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What is something that 95% of people can't seem to understand?

  1. If you're consistently late to work, you should start leaving your house earlier... consistently.
    — DietCroke

  2. That if I say I understand a behavior, an opinion or where people come from it doesn't mean that I agree with what they're doing or thinking.
    — shrekine

  3. Statistics. You can be fucked by a 100-year event 2 years in a row.
    — Zerole00

  4. In order to enter the bus/tram, you first need to make space for the people exiting.
    — alex-anev

  5. I push in carts at Target. No, the carts aren't trash cans. No, don't leave them in other store's lots. NO, DONT LEAVE THEM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TURN LANE OF THE ROAD NEXT TO THE STORE!!! HOW DID THEY EVEN MANAGE THAT?!
    — argoniannerevarine

  6. Parents: Do you want to come over for dinner? What time do you get out of work? Me: 5pm At 5pm Parents: Where are you? Me: .....
    — Jackmammma

  7. How to properly manage their money. Many people live beyond their means. Just because you have the money to buy something doesn't mean you should.
    — hagwon

  8. That criticizing an opinion is not equivalent to a personal attack. And that while most, if not all people should be respected, some opinions are not worth the same regard.
    — star-bud

  9. Your tax “refund” is not some kind of lotto prize bestowed on you by Uncle Sam every year. It’s your own goddamn money that you inadvertently turned in to a zero interest loan to the government. Yes, there are numerous exceptions to this, but it holds true for many who get a refund.
    — MattJC123

  10. I see and hear frequently "why does (company name) do (shitty, anti-consumer tactic)?" The answer is money. Any business decision can likely be attributed to making money.
    — TheBlindGuardian

  11. If something has a probability of 90%, it still might not happen. That remaining 10% isn't, like, decorative. (and vice versa)
    — pervocracy

  12. You’re supposed to speed up to merge onto the freeway.
    — IntuitiveBinks

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