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What isn't legally torture, but it should be considered as such?

  1. Removing a feeding tube while maintaining all other hydration efforts for the elderly on Hospice. One of the worst experiences I've seen as a CNA is watching a resident starve slowly to death for over 40 days before she finally died.
    — fwarrah

  2. Getting a text from someone saying, “Hey, I need to talk to you about something...” And then when you ask what it’s about they wait forever to respond. edit: typo
    — niicoliieraviiolii

  3. Being forced to listen to the same music on a loop at work all day, every day.
    — mr-death

  4. a company you interviewed with taking weeks to let you know if you got the job
    — portajohnjackoff

  5. My car's computer system froze while I was driving last week. You know when an audio track freezes or skips and you just get that screeching percussive noise? It did that, with my volume turned all the way up. I instinctively rushed to turn the volume dial down, but the volume didn't respond to that. Same with my wheel paddle. I was going 60 MPH and the only way to reboot the computer manually would be to turn off the car, which wasn't happening at 60 MPH. Hit the next ramp and pulled over at a gas station, half-deaf at this point, and shut off my car. It didn't stop. Turned it back on. After a few moments, the system just rebooted itself and it went back to normal. Can't recall the last time I went from totally normal to frantic agony quite like those few minutes.
    — Caruthers

  6. my mother used to delight in finding horrible ways to wake me up in the morning. i'd started setting an alarm on my cell phone when i was in the sixth grade, but no matter what i'd set it to, she'd beat it by a few minutes; i swear she'd look at my phone. sometimes she'd open all the doors and windows in the house when it was still freezing outside, and play music as loud as possible. sometimes she'd scream at and kick our cat, knowing i'd run down to rescue the little guy. the worst was when she'd pull my toes; i don't know if you've ever been woken up from a deep sleep by someone just YANKING on your big toes, but it's fucking terrifying. on school snow days, she'd have been up and watching the news since 4 or 5 and seen the cancellations and delays herself, but STILL woke me up at regular time and made me watch the news ticker for April Fools' Day we had a bad a snowstorm, and she woke me up, i got ready for school, packed this massive science project into a garbage bag and was terrified that it'd get ruined in the bad weather, and let me stand out at the bus stop for half an hour before she came out, laughing, to tell me "April Fools!". i was so mad and so tired, i just burst into tears and she exploded, calling me "a sullen little bitch". i don't think i slept past 6 am, ever, until i moved out at age 17. weekends, summer, had a late shift at mcdonalds or a far away game with the volleyball didn't matter. i know sleep deprivation is a widely-accepted and used form of torture, but this manifestation of it is a special breed of evil and absolutely over-looked under the guise of "oh well moms are like that". edit: if anyone would like more Momster stories, here's the big overview:
    — adelaide129

  7. Any job that forces employees to be active in such a way that they have little to no window to use the bathroom or take a break throughout an hours long shift. It's probably damaging to the bladder doing that on a regular basis and on top of that, pushing people beyond their ability to concentrate just breaks them down into a more aggravated version of themselves and results in a loss of productivity and poor performance. So it's not just mean; it's impractical.
    — TheWinkAndTheGun

  8. Withholding medication from a sick child or refusing to take them to the doctor because you believe prayer will cure them. Withholding mental health treatments for bipolar or schizophrenic kids because you believe all that’s wrong with them is that they’re sinners.
    — LauraMiggs

  9. Websites that have embedded video ads that automatically start playing really loudly when you visit the site. This is especially true when you are wearing headphones.
    — -eDgAR-

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