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What makes someone a “good” person?

  1. Waving your hand to acknowledge the person who let you into a lane of traffic.
    — amhernandez1163

  2. Empathy and compassion.
    — TheDirtyMailman

  3. If they return the cart at the grocery store.
    — Wingtipssy

  4. A solid moral compass. I think that everyone has those times where they could have done a little bit more, or tried a little harder at being nice to someone. But atleast they are aware of what should be done in that situation. Their moral compass is pointed in the right direction, they just didn’t follow all the way through. But for some people I feel like they don’t know what is considered good or right. When those situations arise where you should help or be caring, their compass starts spinning and they don’t know what to do. No one is perfect, but if your head and heart are where they’re supposed to be, I’ll chalk it up as a win.
    — halfwaytosomewhere

  5. When you walk into a bathroom and they are the only one there and are washing their hands
    — fortyandablunt666

  6. "Character is what you do when nobody's looking." My little sister didn't know I was watching her but I saw her clean up after me--a mess she didn't make--and wanted nothing in return; no acknowledgement for her task. I think doing something because it's the decent thing to do (and even if it isn't 100% your responsibility) because you're completely capable of making the environment better for doing so is a sign of a good person.
    — EauxHelleauxThere

  7. Accepting that ones personal preferences do not dictate reality and acting accordingly.
    — Dahdah_Dit

  8. Honesty. Lying is such an easy way out that nobody bothers telling the truth anymore. Or just doing honest things even though nobody is patting your back.
    — Whoever2Blame

  9. 1) Catches someone else's mistakes at work and doesn't through the person under the bus, but addresses it with them 2) Knows gossip about others but doesn't feel the need to share it with everyone 3) Gives you a free pass if you snap but are having a bad day 4) Does something to help other people, the environment, or animals. Something active, including giving money, not just "raising awareness" by posting angry comments online 5) Manages to keep peace with their families and coworkers without letting themselves being walked over, i.e. is nice but has boundaries. 6) Wouldn't be angry and would offer help if you called them late or showed up at their house if you were in a bind, at an ungodly hour
    — istvanpraha

  10. Doing nice things to do nice things. Not to get personal gain out of it. For instance a coworker runs around trying to help everyone at work and gets mad and bitches when people aren’t overly appreciative and kissing his butt about it
    — Sevendevils777

  11. Nice try Aristotle!
    — Strahozor

  12. They care about others and want to help.
    — 000TragicSolitude

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