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What was "the incident" at your high school?

  1. This kid jacked off on the bus in 10th grade.... his name was Zach. Zackin off became a normal phrase
    — rickreigns

  2. 2 guys stole cellphones from the gym locker rooms. Gave it to a 3rd guy to sell. 3rd guy tried to sell them back to the people that they were stolen from... First 2 got expelled, 3rd (younger) got suspended as he claimed he didnt know where the phones were from.
    — Petwins

  3. A girl got pregnant age 12 - dropped out for a year and came back with a new "baby sister" Looking back it stayed respectfully unspoken of despite none of the students being told what to say/not-to-say by the teachers/staff. It was all very respectfully and britishly ignored and the girl dropped back in with her group of friends.
    — oliveinthishouse

  4. A guy I had grown up with was murdered by another pupil. I was 13 going on 14. Both guys had been my friends in school. They got in a fight and one pulled out a knife and stabbed the other. He bled to death. The other ran away. It was a cold winter and he nearly froze to death before police found him in a bus shelter. Two families were shattered forever. Tragic.
    — G7mcd

  5. Had a friend in high school whose Mom caught him with a shitload of weapons on his way to school and called the police. Had a list and everything. It was extra terrifying because all of his friends were at the top of the list.
    — gaseous__clay

  6. Someone shit in a paper towl and spread it around the bathroom walls. As a result, the bathrooms were all closed except for the main one. We called him Pablo Poopcasso
    — brooklyn-_-nets

  7. Two girls caught in parking lot at football game. 69
    — Cree1

  8. My sophomore year two kids put several homemade pipe bombs in the school one Friday night. A couple of them went off and ended up burning down the gym, library, and several classrooms. The bigger scandal was that this one kid who acted kind of strange and always drew these strange pictures got blamed for it and even after the two kids that actually did it confessed the principal of the school still insisted the strange kid had something to do with it. The two kids that did it were caught, admitted it and got punished. The principal hounded the strange student and his family to such a degree they ended up moving out of town and sued the school.
    — wildescrawl

  9. Well, we had one senior that had sex with the hot music teacher behind the bus garage, another music teacher that had sex with my friends brother after we graduated and she got knocked up. An article in Rolling Stone magazone about our tiny town of lyndonville and how we're all goatmilk drinking, Apple pickin, chronic fatigue syndrome having rednecks. Then there was the guy who spray painted "OJ is innocent " on our towns water tower. Oh and the toxic waste coming from a local factory polluting our creek water and sewers causing a high rate of cancer in one part of the town.
    — Buffalobob232

  10. Not in high school, but in my 8th grade class one kid got suspended for making diss tracks and roasting students on his youtube channel.
    — Imcpherson

  11. That new girl blowing some jock in the bathroom. Classy.
    — Ravonixx

  12. My senior year a couple of freshmen broke into the science lab over one weekend and stole some liquid mercury that the teacher had "illegally" and somehow dropped it and it spilled everywhere. I'll never forget that Monday morning my stepmom was dropping me off at the front of the school and all I saw were people going into the school in yellow hazmat suits and we were met by the assistant principal telling us the school was closed. Later found out that 13 classrooms were contaminated and school was closed for two weeks. The story made national news. We all thought those freshmen were hero's.
    — autumngirl6289

  13. Some kid stabbed another kid in hand with a fork. Must have hit an artery because blood was flying around like a fucking fountain
    — BoomToll

  14. I've got a couple good ones. During my 2 and a half years of catholic high school: 1) A varsity athlete and a really religious girl were caught blowing each other in the bathroom during the 25 Hour Fast-a-thon. That was fucking hilarious. 2) During the schools annual Pro-Life Week they would hide a plastic fetus around the school and if you found it, you got a cash prize that doubled every day. $20 on Monday, $40 on Tuesday, etc. A friend of mine found it, and on the following Monday he nailed it to the giant cross out front of the school and smeared fake blood on it. I left the Catholic school to go to the Public high school half way through grade 11. During my time there: 1) A buddy was fucking around in the basement with another guy and they set the school on fire with a blowtorch and a t-shirt. Both got expelled. 2) 2 grade 11's got caught double-teaming a grade 10 girl in one of the bathrooms. 3) Someone tried to assassinate the Physics teacher. They turned all the natural gas taps on in science room during parent teacher interviews and left a lit candle on the floor. the idea being the room would explode and kill the teacher when the room filled with gas. Teacher walked into the room not 5 minutes after the trap was set and was able to put the candle out. Never found out who did it either. I lived in a very poor, drug addicted, alcohol abusing, teen pregnant getting shithole hick town.
    — Pollable_Polls

  15. One of the teachers was having an affair with a students mother. One morning two cars came speeding up the road to the school. They flew up the drive and came to a screeching halt outside. From the first car the schools history teacher appeared and ran like a bat out of hell, while the kids dad got out of the second car and chased him into the main building. He caught him on the stair case and beat him up in front of of a load of pupils. We all laughed about that for years.
    — Dark_Helmet23

  16. Our school captain hung himself during year 12 exam period. He was going to give a congratulatory speech to the year level on the day we found out, so the whole school was arriving just as we heard the news. Teachers were all over the school trying to console students. The drama kids still had to sit their exam the very next day (many of who were his good friends) due to “operative issues”. A kid got stabbed at music camp. Couple brawls which ended up with kids getting pushed down stairs, broken windows and doors, overturned and broken lockers and concussions. A few of them were filmed and uploaded on the internet. I concussed a kid but it was an accident. Gay shit in the downstairs bathroom, music camp and in closets/cupboards all over the school. Kids smoking weed between and during classes pretty much everyday. Kids climbing into and out of second story windows. Kids smashing the jars of those rat fetouses they keep in the science lab. Kids getting into fights at the train station and brawling with station guards (while in uniform no less). Kids smoking weed and taking ecstasy at school dances. I heard a kid this year got suspended for uploading “sucruplous material of another student on social media”. This means they either A) posted nudes or B ) posted another brawl in Facebook. The cops came in to talk to us about cyber crime and sexting and how in Australia it technically counts as trading in child pornography. This spooked my friend, who was a bit of a voyeur/collector of everyone’s nudes at both our school and the sister school across the road. He ended up deleting something like 15 gigs of nudes from kids ages 11-18. Choir/music teacher got fired for spending hundreds of dollars on anti-pornography propaganda material using her semester budget. The PE teacher was caught with booze on campus and I watched the deputy principal go ballistic on him. An elderly priest, that helped found the School way back when, got done for pedophilia. I had joined the school only 5 months earlier lmao. A girl at the aforementioned sister school was spit roasted at a party. The host’s mother apparently kicked down the door screaming “pull out of that fucking slut and get her out of here” to her son who was balls deep. She was kicked out but everyone else had a great time. Everyone at both schools found what happened in literally hours. Another girl blew a guy in our year level in the nearby park. When she was attending a class in our school, the entire school was cheering her in the hallways. Some other girls left the hotel while on an excursion overseas to get cigarettes. The cops were called I’m pretty sure. A couple of run aways, one of whom I housed.
    — Cellshader

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