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Who's the random person that was in your life that you still think about?

  1. I was at the cemetery, visiting my Grandmother's grave shortly after her death. As I stood there alone and choked up, a very kind lady came by and stood with me for a while. Then she went over to her car and brought back some flowers for the grave. She said, "These flowers were going to another site, but right now, I'd like to share them with you." When I asked her if she knew my grandmother, she said something like, "No. But I can see that she had a devoted grandson." Then off she went, having done a deed of pure kindness that I'll never forget.
    — Back2Bach

  2. Am an ER doctor. One time I have a 105 ear old patient and on my electronic medical record system them stated chief complaint was "assault". I headed to his room and was thinking "damn, who would hurt a really old man". When I got to his bed,there were like 10 people with him (we usually have a 2 person visiting rule, but will make exceptions asked on the case) and they were all wearing birthday hats/sweatshirts with pictures of the dude and other things that made it obvious this happened at his birthday party. So I examine his wound (large skin tear over this entire bicep/tricep region on the left) and prepare my supplies to repair his wound. While I'm getting him fixed, we start chatting. M: so how did this happen? H: was punched by my 87 year old nephew. M: that's too bad. Why would he hit you on your birthday? H: (looking at me kinda weirdly, as if I had just asked the dumbest question ever) well that's what you're supposed to do in a boxing ring It turned out that he was a formed boxer in Poland during his thirties and that for his 105th birthday, his family rented his one of those inflatable boxing rings with the oversized gloves so he could have one last round in the ring. As I was fixing him he told me "come on, hurry up, we only got that thing for a few more hours and I want to get back in before we have to return it" Coolest fucking patient ever. I think about him often and hope that he got one last round.
    — afrodoc

  3. Mostly comes down to old friends from online games when I was a lot younger. People I would play with and talk to every day, but I don't know their names or any way I could ever get back in touch. Either one or both of us stopped playing that game long ago, or the game was shut down. I can't help but miss them and wonder what they're up to.
    — Chainsawd

  4. Went to Finland this summer. When I was in the airport going back home, I had to go through immigration (as you do). Now for whatever reason I've always been very awkward and nervous going through immigration checkpoints. Dunno why, it's not like I've any reason to be. But anyway I was getting my passport checked by this Finnish immigration officer and I, for whatever reason, thought it was a good idea to stare straight into his eyes in a probably really creepy way. I think I was thinking that it would look really suspicious to NOT make eye contact with the immigration officer. Now this guy realized I was staring at him and stared back and so there was this maybe 3-5 second period of some form of a staring contest between an asian teenager and a Finnish immigration officer with vividly blue eyes. Then I couldn't help smiling and he smiled too, then he stamped my passport and yeah I hope that guy has a good life.
    — Charlton_AB

  5. There was a time I had to take the same train in the morning and the evening to go to work. During this time, I noticed that a men was always sitting near by my side. Actually always at a seat, where he could watch me. We continued to sit near each other, he even always sat behind a window, so I could see him from outside the train in order to find him. I did the same. We sometimes smiled at each other. I still think about him. Had a rough time back then, and I was looking forward for his smile the whole day. (Sorry when my english isn‘t perfect)
    — Thelarya

  6. I once heard a knock at the door, and when I answered it there was a soldier in his dress uniform there. He took off his hat and asked me if Mr and Mrs Hale lived here, and when I told him we were all students he looked slightly crestfallen and said goodbye, then walked off. Sometimes I wonder who the family Hale were, and why he was his looking for them.
    — BearsBirdsBooks

  7. I was having a hard time in army recruit training. I had 10 minutes for personal admin, so I went to make a phone call home, but there was a line up. One of the blokes there looked at me and said to his mates in the line "let him go ahead, he needs it more than we do". I got to phone home, and that little bit of humanity has stuck with me for almost a quarter century.
    — foul_ol_ron

  8. I was at Disneyworld this spring and was waiting to take a picture with some princesses for one of my friends’ daughter back home. While I was waiting there was a teenage girl, probably about 14-16ish, in front of us on her own, seemed like a slightly nerdy awkward, hasn’t quite found her crowd yet, sweet kind of girl. Anyway, when she was having her picture taken, the princess asked if she was on her own and who she was out with. The girl said she was with her school but nobody wanted to come with her to meet the princesses. It broke my fucking heart. I could just picture it, her wanting to meet these characters so much but not being able to find anyone to go with her. I really wanted to talk to her to make her feel like she wasn’t invisible and that I thought it was really cool that she was there, but she left before I could. I think about her a lot. I really hope she’s happy.
    — clamtunashiny

  9. My sister bought me a shirt that just says"bacon strips and bacon strips" over and over. I was in the parking lot of home Depot heading back to my truck when a guy points at my shirt and says "Ha. I love bacon!" I say "yup, me too." Expecting to just continue on my way. He then asks "So who do you think has the best bacon in town?" "It's good most places, but I usually just make it at home." "I really like the bacon in the cafeteria at *local hospital*. I was in there a lot and I used to always get three or four slices. Now sometimes when I'm in the area with nothing to do I'll still stop by and get some bacon. Wish they had better coffee though." "Good to know. I'll get some if I find myself there." "Oh, it's worth it even if you don't have a reason to be there." About there I realized I've been in this weird conversation with an obviously off person for way too long and told him it was good talking to him, but I had to go. This happened years ago and I still think about the guy more often than I'd like to admit.
    — FetusChrist

  10. Severe self esteem issues as a kid, could not for the life of me talk to girls in any capacity. Anyway, single parent home so during the holidays me and the little brother were put into these 'kool kids club' camp things all summer, you just basically ran riot, playing all different sports. I remember meeting what at the time, and in my memory (if thats not weird thinking of a 12 year old girl memory?) the most gorgeous girl who for whatever reason decided to talk to me and spend all day with me whatever activity I did. She was only there for one day, I can't remember her name. That one day with that girl changed my attitude as a kid completely, and helped fix a lot of the anxiety and self esteem issues. I still think about that day, and her from time to time.
    — Banana_Rhino_Attack

  11. I dated a girl for like 2 months years ago, it was one of the best times of my life to be honest. We clicked instantly and on so many levels. We hung out all the time and had a lot of fun. One day she stopped answering the phone and started avoiding me. I still have no clue why she did that or what she's up to now. Never got my sweaters back either.
    — ynnepkcajjackpenny

  12. On a business trip I started talking to the woman sitting next to me on the flight from Tampa to New York. It was wonderful, we just sort of clicked on everything. She was really quick witted and funny. The plane developed mechanical trouble and we had to land in Augusta, GA. We were pretty much stuck there for a few hours, but she and I were still talking as they were trying to get everyone on to any other plane available to just about anywhere else. I was standing next to her at the ticket counter when the agent said an option was they could give her a hotel room for the night and fly her out tomorrow. She smiled and looked straight at me and said "I'd be agreeable to that. Does that sound good?" (Yes, that sounds great.) More sitting and waiting for the final decision on what to do with us. Then, 10 minutes later, they called us up and had found seats for each of us on separate flights. She gave me an "Oh, well…" kind of look while they got her ticket, she gave me a hug and walked off to another gate. I think of her all the time.
    — picksandchooses

  13. Years ago I was commuting home from work and there was this girl at the train station crying. Not full-on bawling her eyes out, but just like, weeping softly. I wanted to go up and ask if she was okay but social anxiety got the best of me. I randomly remember her and wonder if she's okay now.
    — -rabid-

  14. the day my girlfriend died I went to mcdonalds. I had enough money, and wasn't crying but one of the guys across the counter must have seen the grief on my face... the guy who worked for mcdonalds paid of my meal... I held it together until I got to my car.
    — thegolfballer

  15. His name was Brandon. I remember him from 3rd-ish grade. He was an overweight African american guy, and was teased for being fat. He had no friends, and would just walk around by himself for recess. I made an effort to be friends with him, and he genuinely seemed to enjoy it. We played board games, and talked a bit at recess. He ended up moving away, and I haven't been able to find any social media profiles for him, and I really just want to make sure he's grown up to be a good guy, and have a few friends.
    — RealGingers

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