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What is something you wished you enjoyed but could not enjoy no matter how much you tried?

  1. Running. I know it's good for me but i just hate it so much.
    — missluluh

  2. Anal. Everyone seems to have so much fun with it...but I really don't want a dick in my ass.
    — Bustyturtlelover

  3. Fine dining. I really wish I could enjoy the $50 teaspoon of fish foam or whatever this miracle is, but I'm sorry. It does nothing for me.
    — cpt_fwiffo

  4. Being single
    — StoppedListeningToMe

  5. IPAs. All I can taste is the overwhelming amount of hops and it is the furthest thing from satisfying.
    — Woofleboofle

  6. Clubbing, especially as a university student. Nightclubs usually have either student deals or let students go for free on certain days, but free or not I've never been able to understand the appeal.
    — cyborgratchet

  7. Socialising in groups. Hanging out with 1 person is ideal, 2 not so much due to third wheeling problems, 3 is fine, and anything >3 is a recipe for diminishing enjoyment.
    — paisehlah

  8. Wine, everyone seems to like it and there's so many choices, but to me it tastes like garbage water.
    — IamConradBlack

  9. Working out. I appreciate the benefits and everything, but I'll never not dislike it. I've done the traditional gym route, running on treadmill and outdoors, workout videos, and with friends. It's all just work to me. The whole endorphin release euphoria doesn't hit me as strong as it does it seem for everyone else. I don't really need it anyways. Maybe it's because I'm naturally lazy too.
    — The_RTV

  10. MOBAs. My bf is a fan, I think I'm terrible and I just get frustrated. We enjoy different genres of games for the most part.
    — _pipsqueak

  11. Cilantro. It smells and tastes like soap to me.
    — GenJonesMom

  12. Oysters. People always say how good and complex the flavors can be. They are too slimy, and I can't bring myself to swallow them.
    — mushroomface

  13. The Witcher 3. I heard nothing but good things, have a great deal of respect for CDPR and all my friends told me I'd love it. So I stuck with it for 20 fucking hours before coming to the sad conclusion that I hate it, I respect it, but I hate it.
    — Jezzmoz

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