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What is something you could say both at dinner and during sex?

  1. "You've got a little bit of it on your face"
    — throwaway0000001090

  2. My ass is going to burn later
    — archbido

  3. Very nice, honey, but I still prefer Five Guys.
    — BreakAtmo

  4. Wow, that's saltier than I expected.
    — yonderposerbreaks

  5. "If you keep looking at your phone I might as well just not be here..."
    — supperfield

  6. I hope you don't mind but my roommate is going to join us tonight.
    — middleagenotdead

  7. "It's good, but it isn't as good as your mom's."
    — vodka_philosophy

  8. "Honey, do you mind switching spots with your sister? "
    — Happy_Dixie

  9. Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it. EDIT: Thanks for the gold anonymous redditor!
    — 405OkieJoe

  10. Whoever finishes last cleans up the mess
    — tippetonitone

  11. Careful, don't choke.
    — Chrisdogtn

  12. My ex used to come here a lot
    — croutonianemperor

  13. "You expect me to eat this?"
    — filthysick

  14. Why such a small tip?
    — cbrider8

  15. “I feel so full”
    — humboldt77

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