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What completely bullshit fact sounds reasonable?

  1. If you drop a penny off the Empire State Building, it could kill someone. By the sound of it, it seems reasonable because the penny should be going really fast by the time it hits a person, but really it would do the same damage as dropping it from about 50 feet due to terminal velocity (EDIT: Which would be very little or none depending on the circumstances).
    — ResistencePlea

  2. "The Matrix" was inspired by the same short story as "Tron."
    — ToyVaren

  3. Horse radish, or “Horseshoe Radishes” as it was once called, was originally made to be horse feed. It’s creator, farmer Hans Feldman, realized the potential it had as a condiment in 1931 when his visiting brother from the city put it on a sandwich without knowing it was animal feed. It’s mass production and popularity helped ease the tension of the Depression.
    — Brandilio

  4. "Knuckle cracking gives you arthritis"
    — 007TLS

  5. Energy shots were originally developed as medicine.
    — Whatifim80lol

  6. If a mouse falls onto its back it does a little sideways somersault to flip itself back onto its feet. Occasionally it will overflip and land back on its back, at which point the mouse's brain tells it that it didn't flip enough, so it does it again but harder. After just four accidental misflips mice have been known to project themselves over 2.5 metres on the next somersault, and there is a whole laboratory in Switzerland trying to discover the upper limit for mouse somersaults.
    — octopoddle

  7. Guy Fieri, Violent J, and the singer from Smash Mouth are all the same person.
    — billyfreddy

  8. A lime is an unripe lemon.
    — ViveroCervantes

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