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What are some rules of common decency that only you seem to be aware of?

  1. My family is the worst at this one. They will eat the last of something, like a pop tart of a cupcake, then just leave the empty box in the pantry. Like come on! I wanted a pop tart
    — iluvcoolranchdorito

  2. Calling a restaurant ahead of time when you have a large party.
    — schugar

  3. Letting people choose if they'd want to disclose some information to others or not
    — NootSquared

  4. If you are in the aisle of a grocery store, don't park your cart in the middle of the fucking aisle. Get over to one side so that people can get around you.
    — WinoWhitey

  5. Put your shopping cart back, for God’s sake. It takes 15 to 30 extra seconds, no one’s car gets scratched when the empty cart rolls into it, and someone can park in the space because it’s not being blocked by your abandoned cart.
    — Kynsade

  6. The doorway is not the place to stop & rearrange your shopping cart/wallet/purse/etc. If you must stop for whatever reason, do it either before you get into a narrow space like a doorway or wait until you enter the parking lot (and for the love of god, move over so you're not in the main walking path)
    — Salad_Fries

  7. Don’t play music from your fucking phone in a restaurant. Or the gym. Or anywhere. The lack of social awareness is mind boggling.
    — MintyRx

  8. Use your turn signal/ indicator/ blinker when merging in traffic. FOR FUCKS SAKE. IT'S BUILT IN. THE ACTIVATOR IS LITERALLY INCHES FROM YOUR FINGERS YOU LAZY FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. IF YOU BLINK, I WILL SLOW DOWN AND LET YOU IN. But no, let's all drive 75 MPH and cut each other off with no warning. Fucking savages.
    — Emasons

  9. Listening to people and not interrupting a conversation when you join it.
    — develicious

  10. [removed]
    — [deleted]

  11. Waiting for other people to get off the train before you board, if I had a dollar for every time this happened I could buy the public transport system and fine people for this shit.
    — Wafl1

  12. I feel like if you’re in a line, if the person in front of you turns around it shouldn’t be weird. Aka, don’t stand up my ass in line, dickwad. I often will purposely step back a step and bump into people who are way too close. Drives me nuts.
    — motography218

  13. If you finish off a roll of toilet paper or paper towels, replace it. If it’s in a public space, ask someone that works there to replace it. Just don’t leave people hanging.
    — centernova

  14. Not walking right down the middle of the parking lot.
    — ryancarty

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