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If you could bang any character (book, TV, movie, whatever), who and why?

  1. Elastigirl from the Incredibles, for obvious reasons.
    — Mr_Mouthbreather

  2. Mystique from X-men. She can be everyone else mentioned in this thread. Plus bloobs.
    — mesmes99

  3. Korra. I like a woman that can kick my ass.
    — Shaddy_the_guy

  4. Meg from *Hercules*. Keep your Ariels, your Belles and your Snow Whites... Meg is by far the best of the Disney leading ladies. Smart, sarcastic, and incredibly hot. What's not to love?
    — Portarossa

  5. Wonder Woman. Although she would be the one doing the banging.

  6. aphrodite from the oddysey.
    — Skeletore-full-power

  7. Ginny, on a broom. I bet Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes dabbed into sex toys at some point so there's got to be a broom designed for that purpose by now right? And girl's fierce
    — krakenftrs

  8. Maybe a left field choice, but my first thought was winry from fullmetal alchemist.
    — nicholt

  9. Ty Lee from Avatar the Last Airbender
    — Atheistsomalipirate

  10. Lagertha (Katheryn Wynnick)....from Vikings...far and away more so than Auslaug
    — glech001

  11. Cheryl Tunt from Archer
    — dottmatrix

  12. Jason Momoa as Khal Drogo. Mostly so I could bang Jason Momoa.
    — zulchep

  13. Denise Richards' character from *Wild Things*. Pretty much introduced me to cinematic boobs, and forever holds a place in my penis.
    — _iPood_

  14. Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman

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