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What’s your favorite SNL skit?

  1. At this point in my life where my parents and in-laws are getting to that age... Amazon echo for old people. Edit: [this one. ](
    — Return_Foo_Bar

  2. There have been so many over the years! The first one that really stuck with me was the [Taco Town!]( skit. My *I know it's really stupid skit* has to be [The Californians]( I'm from Keyahlifourkneyuh so it's close to my heart. Lastly, the [Haunted Elevator ft. David S. Pumpkins]( pulled me back into SNL after skipping it for so many years.
    — xiiinoct

  3. Every moment Stefon is on screen
    — PretendCasual

  4. Rachel Dratch as Debbie downer in Disney world. Watching the cast try to keep it together makes me laugh harder than anything I’ve ever seen.
    — bchemlife

  5. I've been watching SNL from the beginning, so I have a ton of favorite sketches. But the sketch that has cracked me up harder than any other for decades is the first [Alien Abduction]( sketch, from 2015. Kate McKinnon knocks this one out of the park and into orbit! I wish I knew who wrote it.
    — zex_mysterion

  6. Motivational Speaker.
    — BangBangDesign

  7. Suck it Trebek
    — OvyZ_

  8. [Jane you ignorant slut.](
    — FlowSoSlow

  9. [Peyton Manning playing football](
    — WaitIOnlyGet20Charac

  10. [Bill Hader kills this skit. ]( by far the most I’ve laughed at an snl skit
    — narwelle33

  11. Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base
    — CookieMunsterClicker

  12. My favorites are the Digital Shorts. BOOM whatchu saaayy
    — themanyfaceasian

  13. Samurai Delicatessen Land Shark Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood
    — BlazerWookiee

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