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Reddit, what was the red flag/sign that made you end your relationship?

  1. He was stupid enough to try and convince me the pics on his phone were *of me.* We weren't even very serious yet, but beyond the point when he should be getting dirty pics from other girls. But I didn't care about that. It was that he actually thought so little of me that I wouldn't even be able to tell that 1. that wasn't my body or my underwear and 2. I wouldn't "remember" having sent him those pics. He was a silly dipshit.
    — PMmecrossstitch

  2. When my phone would ring and I would think, "Please don't be him, please don't be him."
    — YouKnowHowIBe

  3. I saw her try to put something in my food, and I thought she was trying to poison me. It ended up being an antibiotic for my infection. Chlamydia. Which she gave me.
    — Outrageous_Claims

  4. She always had hickeys. I never gave her hickeys
    — icecreampopncereal

  5. An audio recording of her and her new lover in our Alexa history, with a time and date stamp of when I was at work, recorded on the bedroom Dot. "Tell Steve I love him", and "How do I give R***** the best orgasm?"
    — janesdaddy

  6. When she threw a plate at me and threatened me with a knife after the pair of jeans she wanted to wear were now too small.
    — supergodmasterforce

  7. She is always the victim, nothing is directly her fault. Used her mental illness as a defense mechanism to any and all criticism, saying bs like “you know I’m suffering from ______ why would you go out of your way to make me feel worse?” Don’t date people who do this. It’s incredibly toxic. Edit: the specific event however was when she broke up with me, told me to fuck off, and never talk to her again after a pretty messy fight. The next day she texts me saying I’m an asshole for not trying to fight for her and I should’ve realized it was her mental illness talking not her. After that I’d just had enough Edit 2: I’m glad this comment shined some light on people’s relationships, but do not break up with your SO just because they exhibit these signs; try to help them see what they’re doing wrong and try to help them improve. But the most crucial part is being able to realize when enough is enough and ultimately worry about your well being. I spent 1.5 years avoiding the truth of the situation and it took me a long time to “recover” for lack of a better word.
    — diguisaurus

  8. This may seem silly but the first time I saw my boyfriend around anyone outside of me and a few friends was about 3 months into the relationship. He treated people like shit. He was rude to servers, treated his grandparents like shit, and then he had some pedo features with his little cousins.
    — catteallinna

  9. Cheating.   I can't be with someone who searches google for the best word in Words with Friends.
    — drp711

  10. Years of affairs coming out after 8 years together while I was pregnant with our second child. I still have 11 weeks to go, it’s still hard and I cry some nights but I’m trying to hang in there. I’ll figure out the financials later- right now I’m just trying to focus on being healthy for my 7 year old and the appearance of little man. Edit: thank you for all the kind words . I hope everyone’s new year is filled with love and happiness.
    — ForgottenLoreInAutum

  11. When I woke up next to him on a lovely Sunday morning and felt more alone than when I actually woke up alone.
    — sunkissedcreation220

  12. I knew the relationship had basically run its course but I was stubbornly trying to make it work even though he was putting in zero effort. The final straw was when we were at a house party his cousin was hosting. He basically ditched me as soon as we got there and I was left to my own devices. Later that night I was sitting out in the back by the bonfire and noticed him standing off by himself having a smoke. I motioned to him to come sit next to me and he said "nah, I'm good here". I knew right then I was done.
    — sweepingpines

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