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Reddit, What Game Should Everyone Know About and Be Playing Right Now?

  1. Rimworld, a great basebuilder game that you unknowingly create your own story on every new play through
    — Zahowy

  2. Factorio, if you never have then start now and you will never stop. If you have played it before what are you doing here? There are lines to spaghettify.
    — Teslacize

  3. Recently I've gotten into A Link to the Past Randomizer. It's A Link to the Past but all of the items are shuffled, but done so in such a way that you can still logically beat the game (Mirror isn't in Swamp Palace, Fire Rod isn't in Skull Woods behind where you need it to get to the boss, Moon Pearl is always in Light World or the Pyramid if you have to defeat Aganhim, etc.).
    — THECapedCaper

  4. [Halo Online]( is pretty much a fan remake of Halo 3 for PC. It is a lot of fun, and I highly recommend it. The community is great too!
    — AvocadoAncestor

  5. Hollow Knight. Metroidvania style game... 2d, great platforming, exploration and combat. Have about 15 hours in it so far and still a ways to go.
    — Sirpattycakes

  6. I'm thoroughly obsessed with [Spaceteam]( right now. It's an app, but it plays a lot like a board game. Basic premise, you and your friends are flying a spaceship. On your phone is a control panel, and a message board that gives you instructions on what to hit and when on the control panel. Problem is, the instructions aren't always for your control panel. The result is people shouting random space jargon at each other ('set fuse defuser to 3!', 'incoming asteroid, shake your phone!', 'engage flappers', etc.). I love this game because it's easy to play, very engaging with friends, and it works across devices (Android and iPhone? No problem!). I got a few coworkers to play this at the office Christmas party last week, and it was awesome!
    — OPs_Mom_and_Dad

  7. *Civ V* is probably not one that's passed many people by, but I suspect that a lot of people wouldn't have tried the *Vox Populi* mod. It makes it feel like a whole new game, and even though it changes some things for the worse -- Spain loses its awesome Natural Wonder bonus, for example -- it really does breathe new life into it, especially if you're not ready to drop the money on *Civ VI* yet. You can also pick it up for super cheap a lot of the time -- maybe £8/$12 on the regular -- and the mod is free.
    — Portarossa

  8. I absolutely love Stardew Valley, it's probably one of my favorite games. There's so much you can do and you can really kill a lot of time and get lost in the game/story. I definitely recommend.
    — brikarl

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