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What is one thing you refuse to participate in / stand up for?

  1. No fap November. It's my dick and I'll jerk it when I want.
    — dwayne_rooney

  2. When people of my faith talk about how different (better) they are from the rest of the world. I'm not faithful so I can pat my own back. That applies to people of my political persuasion, too.
    — Cejarrood

  3. Smoking. I quit two years ago and I don't miss it.
    — BlazeReborn

  4. The console wars. Can’t we just all love video games together and not bother with whichever is the better system?
    — JanuraryFourteenth

  5. Celebrating children graduating from nursery into primary school. Congratulations you didn’t eat crayons this year.
    — dont_touch-me_there

  6. I'm going to call it relationship shaming. People who have nothing better to do that gossip and pick apart other people's dating history, current relationships, or sex lives. We are not inside their relationship, and hey, guess what - sometimes something that is "weird" to you is what works for someone else! It just seems like some people have this need to make themselves feel better about their own relationships by making others sound sooo awful.
    — PancakeQueen13

  7. Littering. Throwing shit on the ground is one of the most selfish things a person can do. Everything you drop on the ground creates a problem for everyone else.
    — TRex_N_Truex

  8. Black Friday. I feel like the holiday season (not "Thanksgiving" specifically") is a time to reflect, be with family, and just be thankful. Regardless of how anyone feels about the season, it's just the epitome of ridiculous consumerism. I refuse to act like a wild animal let out of the zoo so I can save $10 on a bath mat for someone I don't like. It's completely out of hand.
    — Thatswutshesaidd

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