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You wake up suddenly in the middle of the night. What is the last thing you’d ever want to hear?

  1. "Wake up and get dressed, quick. There's been an accident."
    — JordyNelson87

    — suprtommyman

  3. ''Don't open your eyes'' or ''I know you are awake''.
    — TheSovereign2181

  4. All I Want For Christmas remixed with this weird Vine of two guys in Spider-Man suits slapping each other’s butt.
    — domdrummer

  5. My boss calling me to come in early
    — kidgrusum

  6. `Please remain in your homes, if you are not at home, find shelter immediately. Close all blinds and shades, block out all windows.` `Do not look outside.` `Do not look at the sky.` `Do not make noise.` `Your cooperation is vital to your survival. Appointed government personnel will update you shortly.`
    — Kitehammer

  7. “Let’s play a game...”
    — codybuszmik

  8. “Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?”
    — teatabby

  9. You wake up in the middle of the night and hear your mom yell, "I'm hurt downstairs. Come quick and help me!" You begin to go downstairs, but then you hear your mother again. "I heard that, too. Don't go down there." What do you do? (And pretend you live with your mom.)
    — ValorousVagabond

  10. Tip toe through the tulips by tiny tim Fuck that kill me now.
    — darkerthanmysoul

  11. Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang...
    — Cymry_Cymraeg

  12. Your name being whispered in the creepiest voice possible.
    — alexisftw

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