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How does a woman attract a man's attention if she is not that beautiful?

  1. Be funny, easy going, smart and well informed, have hobbies and a great personality. I've landed men waaaay out of my league on that. PS: Guys fucking love it if you have any knowledge about things they like. Like, any little kernel of knowledge will do it. They're easily impressed by girls that know things that they think girls shouldn't know. They're really easily impressed.
    — Hatcheling

  2. The same way a man can attract a woman's attention even if he's not crazy-hot: bring more to the table than just your looks. Be smart. Be funny. Be interesting. Care about things. Be invested in being a good person. Get out there and *do stuff*. Know your own worth. Be confident with what you have. ... also we get make up, so we've kind of got a step up on dudes in that respect; if you're a plain-looking dude, short of working out and getting a new haircut and shave, you're kind of stuck with what you've got. But mostly the confidence stuff. Confidence is sexy.
    — Portarossa

  3. shitty advice all over the place. If you don't like video games or DnD, please don't punish yourself. Hygiene ist important and being nice and open. Send clear signals, guys don't get it the first few times. If he likes your personality, good, if not, fuck it. Maybe there's somebody better fitting waiting for you.
    — itshanzel

  4. We like woman who like us. You can get his attention by giving him yours.
    — Outrageous_Claims

  5. Be interesting and accept that not all men will care, some will only go for looks. This goes the same for men and women. Also, don't be superficial yourself.
    — BangBangDesign

  6. A man would talk to a wall if it started the conversation
    — SuckMy_Diction

  7. Approach. Nothing's sexier than obvious interest.
    — AutumnStag

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