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What's your ghost/creepy/paranormal story?

  1. My great grandmother watched my great grandfather die. They were truly in love forever. After he died, she woke up every morning and said "damn it!" because she was ready to pass away. My great aunts would hear her talking on a baby monitor they set up talking to members of the family who had already passed. Finally one afternoon, they heard her go "John, finally! Why are you always late". They were frozen as John was my great grandfather's name. They walked in 10 minutes later and she passed away. She was just waiting for her husband to come get her.
    — _Black_Dahlia

  2. This is one my grandma used to tell about one of her aunts. They lived in Laos during the Secret War. Her aunt started talking with one of the American soldiers and he started learning basic Hmong. After some time though, he stopped showing up. The basic consensus was that he was dead, but she kept waiting for him. When things got really bad and the bombs started dropping, they fled to the caves for shelter. One night, as everyone is sleeping, she hears a familiar voice. It's the soldier. He's mumbling in a very broken Hmong, "I'm back for you" over and over again. Her eyes are still closed until she feels something reach out and grab her shoulder and slowly move down to her hand. When it reached her hand, she said it wasn't a human hand at all...but like a large animal paw. She briefly opened her eyes to see a dark figure, clearly not human though, standing over her. Then, she heard her aunt get up. Something was said but she couldn't make what it was. The figure then left and the aunt followed. This was still in the middle of the night, mind you. The aunt was never seen again. The story is that the dead soldier came back to take her with him. Or something else imitated him in order to take her.
    — ObiMemeKenobi

  3. I used to work as a cook in a tea room that used to be a brothel back in the 1800s. We had the dining area and a little gift shop that sold different kinds of pottery, silverware, etc. I would often be the last to leave and lock up and would hear random sounds like footsteps or something falling on the floor quite regularly but never was phased by it. One night I was called in late to start prepping stuff for the Sunday brunch so probably at around 10-11pm I hear footsteps upstairs and hear the lights coming on. I knew I was the only one there at the time so decided to investigate. Walk up the stairs look around, everything seems normal so I turn out the light and start heading back downstairs when I see the lights come back on. I'm starting to get a bit freaked out so I yell out "hello?" With no response. I walk back upstairs to turn the lights off and as soon as I reached for the switch I see this large vase just sorta lift up and move to the right then drop the the floor. Holy shit was I freaked. Called my boss and she casually brushes it off like meh that's regular here.
    — jashzor

  4. As a kid, I grew up in a wildlife refuge in Long Island (Wertheim). Way back (around the Revolution), The [Hawkins family]( had established the area (Town of Brookhaven) and owned a ton of property. The Barteau Family (also spelled Bartow or Barto) was the other major landowner at the time. Between the two, they owned most of the county. There's a [Barteau family graveyard]( across the street to the north of the preserve, and a [Hawkins family graveyard]( a few miles further north. While exploring the preserve, we found an additional Barteau family graveyard. Most recent stone was from the mid 1800's, and it looks like no one has been there in decades. Fence was knocked down, trees down all over the place, no path, no markings, nothing. While looking around and reading the stones, we noticed something strange. It was silent. This is a *wildlife refuge*. There's animals *everywhere*. Birds are chirping, deer are running, squirrels are scurrying. Not here. Dead silent. No wind. No traffic. No birds. No animals. Not even a mosquito. It was so quiet you could hear the blood pumping through your head. It's also *clear*. There's no trees inside the fence. There's no plants. It's covered in leaves, it's clearly untouched, but there's nothing growing. Everything around it looks like it's dying too. Suddenly, a loud crack, and an earth shaking thump as a tree on the outskirts fell within a few feet of us. That put the creepy level over the top, and we made a run for it. Between the library, town records, refuge records, word of mouth, and the internet, we can't find any mention of this graveyard anywhere. the others are all photographed with full logs of every stone, but this one doesn't even get a footnote.
    — MyNameIsRay

  5. Copy and pasted since its kinda long but ive got a few stories, heres one of them This happened about 8 or so years ago around thanksgiving at my grandmas house. Everyone was asleep except for me. The only people in the house were my grandparents, my mom, brother and I. No one else. (This is key.) I was on the computer because I couldn't sleep. I turned on a small TV to watch adult swim while i browsed the internet. At around 4:30, I started getting a chill up my spine, and i heard some children laugh. Distinctly the voices of a little girl and boy. I know im all by myself, as far as being awake, so i turned to look at the tv and it was in the middle of an InuYasha fight sequence so theres no way the laughter was coming from that. I checked the computer sound settings and i had every possible output muted, so it wasnt that either. I sat there confused for a few moments while the giggles of the two children were playing in the background. I figured maybe the radio in the kitchen was on. It was digital so maybe it just came on for some reason or it had a timer. I got up, and i kid you not, as i was walking to the door, with each step, the laughter grew louder. From giggling to guffaws to hard laughter. Once the guffaws started, i started to hear a baby cry as well. Whats going through my mind now is "what the fuck kind of radio show is this?" And i just took three steps. Nowhere near the door. I took a few more steps and the laughter turned hysterical, if not maniacal. The babys cries turned to screams and wails, as if it were in pain. I was trembling and terrified with each step I took to the doorway, but my mind was on autopilot; i needed to get out of there and across the hall to my mom who surely would help me and notice the weird sounds too. The last couple of steps increased the laughter and crying to an almost deafening decibel. It was like I was at a concert and the speakers were directly in my ears, blasting noise. It was painful and scared the shit out of me. I took all the courage i had and as soon as i reachec the doorway i was going to sprint. I started to run but then something shoved me. I felt these hands at my chest push me back into the room with enough force to throw me off balance. The crying and laughter stopped as soon as i was back in the room. This all happened within 20-30 seconds, but it felt like 10 minutes. I was so scared i cried and slept in the tiny arm chair before my grandma came in the room and made me sleep in her bed downstairs.
    — CherrelAnn

  6. I have lots of stories. For now I'll share the one from when I was ten and on a field trip. So I grew up in Northern Virginia, and we had plenty of battlefields and such to visit for school field trips. In fifth grade, my class went to the Belle Grove plantation, which was at Cedar Creek Battlefield. Cool house, still has damage to her columns from gunfire from the battle. Anyhoo, my class was in the kitchen of the plantation, listening to the tour lady talk about whatever it is you'd tell a bunch of ten year olds about plantation life. There are these big double doors on each side of the room, and they are open. And then we hear humming coming from outside. The teacher's aide, who I'll call Bulldog 'cause she looked like one, told us that who ever was humming to knock it off. But that's the thing, it wasn't any of us, and it was coming from outside. Bulldog goes out one side of the kitchen, comes back in and goes out the side that leads to the garden. She comes back in, says to the tour lady no one at all is out there, but she could hear the humming right there in the garden. Doesn't sound like much, right? Well fast forward a few years, amd I'm reading a Ghosts of Virginia book. There's a story about Belle Grove in it. Apparently the Lady of the house was found in the smokehouse one day, badly beaten, half in the embers, with clear fist imprints on her face. She dies just a few days later. A slave girl was accused of the beating and murder and was hanged for it. And the Lady of the house liked to walk in the garden, and was always humming. And various people over the years was witness, I guess you could say, to the ethereal humming that would take place in the garden. That just thoroughly freaked me out when I realized I got to witness it too.
    — idwthis

  7. I was helping my younger brother move into an apartment with his buddies and had to bring my two very young daughters with me. My youngest at the time was about 2 1/2 or 3, and fearless. She went to different rooms with my brother, exploring and having a jolly old time. Until she got to the kitchen. Upon entering, my daughter froze; her eyes were huge and fearful and within ten seconds she was screaming bloody murder and running for me as fast as she could, mumbling about "da yaydee" (the lady) in the kitchen. Brother and I tried laughing it off, redirecting her and taking her mind off it, but my normally calm kid was hysterical and we had to leave. She told me in bed that night the lady had red eyes and was scary....if you knew my daughter you'd understand how unlike her all this was. She was 100% convinced that she saw a lady just standing in the kitchen, and still to this day (7 years later!) she swears she did. I don't believe in ghosts or what have you, but her reaction made us question that.
    — Kierlikepierorbeer

  8. A girl I knew for a few years and was very good friends with passed away in a car accident. A few days later I have a dream that she’s standing in the center of the road and I’m barreling towards her. I run into her but then she appears in the seat beside me. She forces my head toward her abdomen. Where her stomach would be there’s a large mouth. The teeth are made of broken glass and sharp metal. She’s keeps saying “sssshhhhh shhhhh”. I wake up from the dream and I’m still hearing “sssshhhhh”. I look at the foot of my bed and she’s standing in my room. She walks through my door and into the hallway. I follow her. She walks down the hallway and vanishes through the front door of the house. I didn’t realize at the time but my dad was on the couch. He asked me if I was okay and asked if the flickering lights are what woke me up. He didn’t see her and I never noticed the lights flickering.
    — cosmicfarce

  9. My brother passed away on December 22 at 4:40 am in 2004. Ive had a few things happen like things flying off the shelves or hearing my guitar strings being plucked but 2 years ago was probably the weirdest. So 2 years ago on December 21 I went to bed around 11 pm. I usually keep my phone on silent but I got woken up by my phone ringing in the middle of the night. I saw a number I didn't recognize, normally I answer anyways, but something felt off so I just didn't. Can't explain the feeling I just felt like I shouldn't answer. The phone number left a voicemail but I couldn't make anything of it. I also noticed that they called at December 22 at exactly 4:40 am. I tried to call it back in the morning but when I called it said "this number has been disconnected and can no longer be reached". tried to look up the number everywhere and nothing.
    — enfugz

  10. My parents have both passed away. Their wishes were to be cremated, the ashes put in a nice box and be set on our wine rack. This wine rack has three shelves, and I was instructed to keep one shelf between the boxes. Well, my dad passed in 2011 and my mother in 2015. It took me a few weeks to find a box for my mom. In that time I kept her ashes in the same room but a few feet away from the wine rack. Apparently someone wasn't happy about this. Outside we had a door bell. Every single night at 3am it would begin ringing and wake me up. I took the button portion inside so nobody could push it. Still would ring at 3am. Took the batteries out, still rang at the same time. Broke the whole thing apart, still rang. Our phone began to call itself and displayed my mom's name on the caller id. Even though the bill was in my name. My dad's guitars hung on the wall next to this wine rack. The strings started breaking, one every few days. All of this stopped as soon as I got my mom a box and put her in the correct spot. None of it has happened since. I have zero intention of moving these boxes and if I ever move to a new house they will be transported together, with something acting as a divider between the two of them.
    — captian-dickachu

  11. So I spent six months living in my family’s cottage in the far north of Michigan. That place always felt weird, but I chalked it up to my nerves and the odd noises of the woods, as I was born and raised in cities and had never been so isolated before. Then, the night before I moved out into an apartment with a friend, as I was falling asleep I experienced a powerful hypnogogic jerk (that thing where you feel like you’re falling and sit up really hard) and as I did so I heard a tiny voice in my ear say - ‘Goodbye.’
    — AncillaryBreq

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