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What are you a closeted fan of?

  1. Mythological and Biblical monsters and demons, I find their history and visual interpretations so interesting and neat but if I mention that in public I'll seem like the absolute biggest weirdo in the history of life but damn sometimes I just wanna talk about Belphegor
    — TheB-Span

  2. I’m a 30-year-old female grad school graduate that loves WWE. I got real tired of being asked, “But you know it’s not real, right?” Of course it’s not real, you stupid idiot!
    — juleskelly

  3. Shows where experts goes to other people house, and tell them how to live their life, raise their children, train their dog, decorate their house, and things like that.
    — shrekine

  4. I'm a 28 year old, heavily bearded metalhead. I've seen Mean Girls over 100 times. In fact, I'm watching it now.
    — MushroomMan89

  5. Listening to “girly” music when I work out. Everyone assumes I’m listening to metal or rap. A lot of my lifting playlists consist of *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Sam Smith, Celine Dion, Adele, etc. I keep a mean mug on but I also keep my headphones low enough that no one knows that I secretly Want It That Way
    — travmainy

  6. Reddit Any friends I’ve told think I’m a dork for browsing here so much
    — CoatedPaper

  7. Fucking Tchaikovsky. The guy is straight up fire.
    — TobiasRules

  8. The smell of gasoline, petrol, diesel, propane or just about any fuel out there. I look forward to gas station visits.
    — NanaWhite1

  9. Anime... I just feel so dirty and repulsive enjoying it.
    — Eversicle

  10. Clothes pins. I mean, I keep them in the closet, because I don't have a clothesline. But I'm closeted about using them on nipples. Not in the closet, though. I mean I don't use them in the closet, but I guess I could, if someone wanted to.

  11. Art Deco styles in furniture, architecture and art.
    — FalstaffsMind

  12. HGTV...
    — VEyeDoubleNWhy

  13. Fanfiction. I probably read 4 books in a week if I put all the fanfiction I read together.. Some are longer than Harry Potter books.
    — Lituxa

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