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If you had the power, What would be a law you would institute?
- Congress shall pass no law they are exempted from
— GuaranteedAdmission
- Mandatory community service if you are caught littering
— DroopyMcCool
- Transparency in politics.
* All donors must be listed, and all donations amount tallied. A PAC or similar donates instead? No problem. Just give a complete listing of where every bit of your money came from. No dark money. Phase 2 is to take donors completely out of the system and just go with publicly funded elections.
* All lobbyist meetings must be reported, and recorded. All recordings can be accessed via a FOI request.
* Bills that pass through the government do ONE THING and must be named appropriately. No budget bills with abortion restrictions on it. Put each thing through on its own merits. And no calling anything "The bill to free people from an oppressive government" unless it dissolves the government. That name goes nowhere near a tax break for the top 1%.
Any breaches of these rules can have you removed from office and charged.
— Reddit_Bork
- I'll make the internet completely neutral, nobody can own it, nobody can censor it.
— milessprower
- Mandatory vaccinations. I don't care that your child may be fine without it, but it damn sure helps, and hell no it doesn't cause autism, Karren.
— MrRainbowGod
- Free ice cream... for political reasons
— BurningFoldingTable
- If you turn without a turn signal and there is a car within a 100 ft radius (unless it's on the other side of the highway), BOOM automatic fine. I'm sick and tired of people thinking I should be able to read their mind and turning in front of me.
— Buttkicker98
- At age 60 you have to start passing your road test again every 5 years for your license.
— Jaereth
- During political debates prewritten sources if you are gonna bring up information and in parallel to the debates there will be a fact checking team of experts who will sound the he/she is talking out of their ass alarm and it will be shown live that they were spouting bullshit.
— praetor_noctem
- Standing around blocking the entry way of the grocery store.
Immediate death penalty.
— CarUse
- As much as I hate government regulation in the education system, I would require (at a state level) that high school curriculums include a *required* life-skills course that teaches the following:
* Your *rights* as a citizen in various settings, especially where the police are involved
* Local/state laws you should be aware of
* How compound interest works, how to calculate it, and how it impacts you
* Writing a check, applying for loans, and making large purchases (financing etc. see compound interest)
* How to pay taxes
* Basic security principles (at home, and on a computer)
* Self-reliance (how to get help when there's nobody to give it to you)
I know that many schools have a program *like* this, but in my experience a lot of schools don't set aside an actual course and treat it with the importance they give Math and English. I don't think this should be a special program, I think it should be real work that has real homework and everybody is required to complete it. Too many people are graduating high school and making horrible life choices because they don't know any better.
If anyone has any ideas of what to add I'd be glad to hear them.
Edit: yes, it means dropping an elective for students in senior year. I think it’s worth it, as most seniors should have room for an “extra” elective during that year without sacrificing their band/rotc/choir/art/whatever class.
— theonlydidymus
- Monthly state sanctioned pillow fight cordoned off in the middle of downtown.
Only your fluffiest pillows allowed
— qaveboy
- Animal abusers have to register like sex offenders.
— MongooseProXC