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Steam summer sale is here. What game that is on sale should everyone check out?

  1. Stardew Valley for those that want a light hearted game with no pressure.
    — wkctw

  2. The Valve Complete Pack. It's practically every Valve game on Steam and it's currently $15. It's normally $200 so it's a pretty awesome deal.
    — WestyWind

  3. Slime Rancher! Super adorable, relaxing game. Constantly being updated. I love it.
    — StripedStockings

  4. Hollow Knight
    — JellyTofu

  5. Ori and the Blind Forest. It's an amazing metroidvania game with stellar art, fun mechanics, savage difficulty and a touching story.
    — skeptic9916

  6. Dishonored 1 ($2.49, 75% off) or 2 ($19.99, 50% off) they are honestly some of my favorite stealth games ever, with excellent atmosphere as well.
    — EntrNameHere

  7. **Enter the Gungeon:** A rogue-lite, bullet hell game. The gameplay is predicated on fast reflexes, semi randomly generated dungeons, and random loot. There is a large variety of guns and passive abilities, and a few different characters with slight mechanical differences to choose from. Be wary though, of some hidden stats that can make or break your game if not managed properly. **Terraria:** I'm sure you've heard of this one. Sort of a 2D platformer predicated on mining materials, and using those materials to craft a wide variety of weapons, armor, and equipment, many of which have very unique abilities- and you can upgrade your gear. You build cool structures, explore, and fight a wide variety enemies. The world's are also procedurally generated of course. Eventually you defeat the "Wall of Flesh" and enter the game's 2nd phase, where there is a huge difficulty spike awaiting you.. **Don't Starve:** A fun rogue-lite survival game, where you survive in a procedurally generated, mysterious and dark wilderness, mostly trying not to starve to death just long enough to proceed to the next stages with adequate equipment that you've managed to accumulate inbetween trying not to starve. In your pursuit of survival you'll craft equipment and structures to make life easier. Each stage gets progressively harder to survive in. There are also seasonal cycles, and of course it is harder to survive in the summer and winter than autumn and spring but each season brings their own challenges that you must prepare for, and opportunities you'll want to take advantage of. There are variety of characters that you can choose from and unlock, each with different pros and cons that help them survive or makes them struggle. The available DLC is worth getting, and one of those DLC's is the multiplayer. **Risk of Rain:** Short but fun rogue-lite game where you collect various upgrades to deal with increasingly tough and dangerous enemies as you progress through the few levels. The longer you take, the harder it gets, but eventually, if you get enough upgrades you'll basically become unstoppable, good luck getting there though (or to the end of the game for that matter). All the upgrades stack, and thus overtime, as you defeat powerful enemies and they drop upgrades, you also become stronger. There are also multiple characters to choose from. **Hyper Light Drifter:** Fun game, with beautiful art. The gameplay has you making use of a tight dash mechanic to maneuver around the difficult and dangerous map whilst you fight enemies with only a sword, and a gun along the way. You attack enemies with your sword to recharge your gun, so you'll have to get in close with your dash. Thing is, you don't have much health so it doesn't take much to kill you. It's really satisfying dodging and weaving through enemy attacks whilst you take them out one by one. Not much variety in characters and weapons though, in fact there is none at all. This game is "easy to learn hard to master", as you'll have to make use of the simple mechanics to overcome an increasingly complex map and increasingly deadly enemies. **Darkest Dungeon:** This is an odd game. It's a rogue-lite of too (noticing a trend yet?), but your characters are more like NPC's- adventurers procedurally generated by the game to be precise. I found more enjoyment getting attached to the various adventurers who came to explore the dungeon under the castle than the actual gameplay, which is turn-based. You have a party of 4 of the aforementioned adventurers- of which their are different classes, and you simply choose their action for the next turn and watch things play out. Thing is, once any of them die, they stay dead. You'll find yourself trying to prevent death at first, then only the deaths of your strongest adventurers, then eventually they too are just pawns to be sacrificed as you assault the dungeon, as you eventually become desensitized to death and despair, having seen it so many times by now. I haven't talked much about story or art in any of these entries, but this game will draw you in with just the compelling roleplay and story alone, with art that compels your empathy and anxiety. Adding to the theme of misery, there are some very cool disease, and insanity mechanics which compliment the game well. Have your adventurers treated at various facilities that you unlock as you progress- that is if you can afford it. Those adventurers who are weak are destined to die in the dungeon, and those who are strong are destined to be sent back, also to die there. **Spelunky:** A classic rogue-lite where you play as an Indiana-Jones esque explorer, diving into procedurally generated cave systems- though there are still consistent and themed levels as your progress. It plays a lot like a platformer, avoid traps (and enemies if you can help it- that is if you are so inclined), as you don't have much health. Gameplay is fast paced due to your being rushed; collect as much valuable treasure as you can before proceeding to the the next level, though if you take too long an extremely deadly ghost will appear that can pass through obstacles and insta-kill you. Actually, many things in the game can insta-kill you, and if you die, you'll have to start from the very beginning. **Little Nightmares:** A story-based game with *very* creepy art and scenery. It's a puzzle game with light platforming elements. Not much to say here, as I don't want to spoil it, though the story itself is very mysterious to say the least, and exposition is only given through enemy and scenery design, never dialogue. Not a very difficult game however (though some puzzles will inevitably stomp you), but it makes up for that in pure nightmare fuel. I found enjoyment in the questions that I found myself pondering while playing through the game, and I kept playing to get some sort of semblance of an answer. It's more about the setting than the gameplay, though both are very charming. Albiet, the game does get pretty hard when you're being chased or hunted but only in so far that you need to go through some trial and error to proceed. There is DLC but it only leads to more questions. If you like games with extensive wikipedias detailing various items, what they do, how to obtain them, as well as enemies and how to defeat them, then you'll like many of the eight I recommended above. Edit: Added Risk of Rain, as well as Hyper Light Drifter, Darkest Dungeon, Spelunky, and Little Nightmares to the list.
    — DMinyaDMs

  8. Hmm.. Warband? The mods make it great. Very high replayability. Great if you like to play a character in a medieval setting and set loose in the world. Depending on the mods, it could either be fantasy or 'realistic' medieval setting. Start as a peasant and eventually rise up to be emperor of all lands.
    — whoisfourthwall

  9. Portal. If you don't play, the sale is here and you gotta buy it!
    — Insulting_Insults

  10. Divinity: Original Sin 2 You might think you won't like it but trust me, it's fucking amazing. It's so full of story and the combat is actually interesting, the spells make it very entertaining and satisfying

  11. Darkest Dungeon. It's a pretty brutal game but give it a chance and it will give you a lot of fun and frustration. Less than $8. Also shout out to Scribblenauts Unlimited...

  12. **Deep Rock Galactic**
    — NoviceWizard

  13. [Slay the Spire](
    — geoffreak

  14. To the Moon. Please do yourself the favour and play it. It has beautiful, touching storytelling. Also, it's currently down to 2.71€, you can't go wrong with giving it a try at that price.
    — Miyushii