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What's the best conspiracy theory you can make up on the spot?

  1. Match, Tinder, Bumble, etc, all purposely don't report matches with a high likelihood of working out to you, so that way you have to keep using their service. Likewise, those super hot people you matched up with? They never swiped right on you to begin with, Tinder just told you you matched to keep you swiping and hoping. This is why you never got a message back from them, the message wasn't actually delivered to them anyway.
    — PerInception

  2. Those stickers of stick-figure families on the back window of SUVs were popularized by a network of media-savvy pedophiles so that they can easily identify families with children, how many children, and of what sex. Sometimes parents even choose stickers that indicate a child's favorite sport or activity so that the pedophiles know what to talk to the children about when they approach them.
    — MuseHill

  3. Sports teams have been demanding new stadiums because that's where ley lines converge and it gives their teams a supernatural advantage. EDIT: word
    — AudibleNod

  4. Most celebrity relationships are planned out legal contracts, formulated by either their managers/agents or the celebs themselves. "Relationships" are created to either cover up an unsavory rumor, or introduce one of the members to a new level of fame. "Relationships" are broken to either stir up drama and therefore attention for each member, or because the legal contract ended. I made that up, but I actually somewhat believe it.
    — mycatiswatchingyou

  5. They started promoting eating ass in popular culture to increase sales of giardia medication
    — swisscriss

  6. Rob Kardashian is paid by his sisters to remain fat so they can use his fat for their butts.
    — ihatemandymoore

  7. Mobile devices are actually 5 years behind the technology we have available. All major phone makers have the next three releases ready to go when each new phone comes out, and they intentionally exclude functionality that has already been thoroughly proven to work. This has been going on for years, and is evidenced in subtle things, like the first two generations of iPad coming out less than a year apart, or how the first iPod Touch didn't have a microphone even though we had the technology from the iPhone proving it could work. Features are developed for future releases and intentionally excluded to make you buy new phones every year when the new "revolutionary" technology is "discovered". EDIT: ITT, people who think I'm being serious. EDIT: I said 5 years, not one or two. People keep bringing up how it takes time to make things, but the conspiracy as I’m saying it is that there is a backlog of new tech that just sits there for *many* years before the company decides “sure let’s release this one”.
    — theonlydidymus

  8. Roundabouts are becoming more popular across the globe because you actually can summon a demon and make a contract with it at a crossroads. So they're replacing all of the crossroads with roundabouts to limit demonic activity.
    — Edymnion

  9. we killed all the Japanese during WWII. The current day "Japanese" are actually Korean refugees from the war with Poland in the 20s. NASA put them there to build us technology so we could go to the moon and get some of that delicious moon cheese for the billionaires of the earth.
    — themidnightcigarette