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You get a time machine under the condition you must use it to go streaking at a historical event, what do you choose?
- Woodstock. Zero chance of arrest. Get to see Jimi play.
— Junkstar
- 1066 - Battle of Hastings. Hopefully I would be added to the Bayeux Tapestry.
— ChefSuperFune
- Run across the street right before JFK gets shot. Big distraction, JFK not shot. Forever down in history as woman who showed JFK her tits and saved his life.
— lilbebe50
- The assassination of JFK. Add to the mystery by having a naked man run by the car, right as he's shot.
— bhoff22
- The meteor impact that killed the Dinosaurs. Imagine that. You are the only human to have witnessed a global catastrophe. And what you did, was run around naked shouting "WOOOOOO" as lava bursts around you.
— BlackShyGuy68
- Coronation of Elizabeth II. Fully televised.
— avidam
- The 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany.
— FloofaFluffa
- The Kennedy assassination somewhere in view of Zapruder. Double the conspiracy theories.
— LostNTheNoise
- The moment before Adolf Hitler commits suicide.
— DreStation4
- On the moon right when the American flag was planted
— tastosis
- hmm thats tough.
Probably run into the Twin Towers, naked, covered in blood and bruises (rough myself up) and begin screaming about a bomb, and that they tied me up, someone help oh god, they put a bunch of bombs in the towers.
i would do this about 2 hours before the first plane hit, they would evac, and at most, the only people who would be killed in the event would be those looking for the bombs.
While it seems horrible on the outside to get these cops killed, i think, and im sure someone will contradict me on this, that most cops and firefighters would not be opposed to this kind of sacrifice.
— WeirdWolfGuy