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What minor thing did you introduce in your life that made a major difference?

  1. Jogging. I’m still not very good, can’t do it for long and I get out of breath easily. But I do feel healthier and I miss much less public transport now because I’m willing to run for it, whereas before I would just wait 30 minutes and be like “yeah, I didn’t I want that bus anyway...”
    — IAmJacksKat

  2. Started wearing a watch again. It stopped me from whipping my phone out as much to check the time, which has also reduced the amount of time I spend staring at shit on my phone when I originally just pulled it out to know what time it was..
    — Peaceful_enough

  3. A bought a shitload of dish towels. A *shitload*. I got tired of constantly looking for them in my kitchen, and finding that they were either dirty or had been misplaced. Now I have a stack of them, and it's awesome. Need to dry something? Need to wipe up a spill? Need something to keep a hot pan off the counter? Need to grab something out of the oven? Boom. Towel. Right there. I now apply the same logic to other things in my life, especially if they're pretty cheap. If I spend more than about ten minutes looking for something that would only cost me a couple of pounds to get a new one, I just buy a new set and have a spare. Nail scissors. Corkscrews. Phone charger cables (the 10ft ones are amazing). The frustration of trying to track down a cheap little item I needed just *vanished*.
    — Portarossa

  4. Picking my battles. I remember the day I started doing this. My husband never replaces the toilet paper roll and I was sitting there thinking about how I was going to go complain about it to him. Then I remembered that just that morning, he laughed it off when my pillow knocked my water off my side table. This happens one or two times a week and he never gets annoyed with me or tells me to stop bringing water to bed. He just laughs and helps me clean it up. So I became really good at not picking at the little, insignificant things and we rarely bicker. Don’t sweat the small stuff! And it’s all small stuff.
    — veryveryplain

  5. I stopped drinking soda/pop and replaced it with sparkling water. Watched the weight drop without much effort after that. 60 lbs lost so far.
    — Thadirt

  6. Getting up early changes everything
    — free_state_of_Azine

  7. Blackout curtains
    — UsernameCensored

  8. A Roomba vacuum, which I call Rover. He's so good to me- I love love love the little guy.
    — SuzQP

  9. Chore chart . Basically saved my relationship
    — aintitthalyfe

  10. Listening to audiobooks. Makes boring tasks so much easier.

  11. My cat
    — lempiraholio

  12. leaving procrastination habbit and taking small actions on daily basis rather than just planning big
    — lalheera

  13. Drinking water in the first hour after waking up.
    — aycarumba_doh