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What video game sound effect can you still hear in your head?

  1. Does Toad saying “WAAH HOO” count
    — TheMeanHorizon

  2. "Finish Him"
    — HandsomeBWondefull

  3. The Sony & PlayStation startup sounds from PS1.
    — CPSux

  4. Whatya buying? Whatya sellin? (Heh heh heh) thank you
    — ThereIsNoPresent

  5. Tetris. The music. Over and over. I frequently still hum that music while doing random tasks.
    — SixDeuce

  6. Headshots when Grunt Birthday Party was on
    — SniperE_1337

  7. Nirnroot.
    — So_Motarded

  8. Aku Aku from Crash Bandicoot
    — Stunreggin

  9. Doom. The doors opening and closing
    — Hailmary1290

  10. Pac-Man death
    — zombiebane

  11. Sonic rings
    — tukatu0

  12. That Mass Effect Reaper sound.
    — lupuscapabilis