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What’s the coolest thing you found at a thrift store?

  1. Not so much what I found, but what it led to. I found an old 8mm projector in a Goodwill. I had no use for it, but it worked and it seemed really cool, so I bought it. After it sat collecting dust for several months, I decided to sell it since I knew I was never really going to do anything with it. I posted it on Kijiji (Canadian Craigslist) and a guy replied asking if he could test it out first. Obviously I obliged and so he came over with some rolls of film. It took us a bit to set it up, but he was in his 40's and had done it before so he kind of took over. We projected it onto the door of my tiny apartment and his childhood home videos started playing. It was some sort of pool party in the 1970's. Watching the video that this man hadn't seen in however many years was a really moving experience. He was reliving his childhood. I could tell that if he was alone at the time, he would have likely wept. We were having issues with the tracking and I just gave the projector to him. He thought he could make it work and it clearly meant a lot more to him than it ever would for me.
    — rainbowdongs

  2. A hardly worn out version of my favorite shirt in the same size as the one I already have. Now I have a backup.
    — jpterodactyl

  3. My favorite coffee mug that says "If you are one in a million, there are six hundred thousand people just like you."
    — Joan_of_Architecture

  4. They had a broken keyboard I bought a broken keyboard
    — _CattleRustler_

  5. Bought some jeans once and when I went to wash them found a $20 in the pocket.
    — 1743Sassenach

  6. Don't know if it counts as 'cool', but when I moved to the US, the different state quarters had just been introduced, so I started collecting them. Then, I went to a thrift store and found this thick carboard fold-out map of the US, with a slot in each state for that State's quarter. It cost a dollar, so I bought it. Got it home, opened it up and it was already filled. I basically gave the store a dollar, and they gave me $12.50 and a free map.
    — Paulius2444

  7. I found a copy of Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door for $2 at Salvation Army for my fiance. I also found a $300 dress that was new with tags at Goodwill for $10.
    — KayleighAnn

  8. It was labeled "cap gun" so my folks said no problem, it was only a dollar. Came with a small bag of "caps". Got home, took it over to a local park with my friends to check it out, pulled out the caps and they were 22 blanks. It wasn't a cap gun it was a starter's pistol for races. Best cap gun a 12 year old ever had, I'd fire it till the gun was hot. Even found replacement blanks. I've had it for about 40 years now and it still works.
    — MadLintElf

  9. I found a battered copy of the 1998 Official Pokemon Trainer Handbook. I bought it because I'd had a copy as a kid. Opened it up, and saw my own name in my 8-year-old-self's handwriting.
    — Hedgiwithapen

  10. Being a father of a toddler, I think it's the haul of Disney storybooks I found for 50 cents a piece. I got so many books that normally would have been $5 each and my daughter now has a small library. For me personally I'd probably have to say my N64 with Goldeneye and Diddy Kong Racing.
    — theonlydidymus

  11. I found this really pretty vase at Goodwill that has butterflies and strawberries on it. On the bottom it says MADE IN CHINA MOT FOR FOOD USE FOR DECORATIVE PURPOSE ONLY ARTICLE MAY POISON FOOD. It's a one of a kind find as far as I'm concerned.
    — ritathecat

  12. A clay statuette of the African spirit Ellegua holding his truly massive erect cock and smiling
    — PyrocumulusLightning

  13. An atomic red N64 with two matching controllers and hookups for $10 (it was missing the jumper pak but I had a spare) and Super Smash Bros for $3. I also got a PlayStation for $2 that had a bad motor and cracked spindle that I fixed with parts from CD player I didn’t use anymore.
    — u_Scruffy_NerfHerder

  14. I've got numerous paintings I enjoy for only a few dollars at thrift stores. I don't care if they aren't the best or are "good". I just needed to put some shit on my walls and didn't want to spend a small fortune doing it.
    — Slowjams

  15. Not so much cool as it is funny to me. But this almost over-sized coffee mug. On the front it says "Fartless Chili Makin's" with a picture of an old-timey plow in between the text. On the bottom, however, someone had written " To: Pancho. A great - - brother in law. Thanks for everything-"
    — PenileAbortion

  16. Used couch with an envelope hidden in the cushion with $10,800 in $100 bills
    — remote_medic1

  17. Original pressings of 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Wars records. only reason I got them was because I was there when the older gentleman and his wife dropped off all their boxes and I was able to swoop in quicklike before they were even priced. I just said these didn’t have price tags so they charged me the standard .99 or 1.99 price
    — BjornBeetleBorg