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What is something odd that wasn’t allowed in your house as a child?
- My mom, while extremely religious, wasn't very forbidding. I'd drag in animal bones, went through one hell of a goth phase, and she just kind of shrugged and accepted it.
The exception is that, when I was a kid, I got the Beetlejuice cartoon banned from the house.
One day I looked out the living room window and said, "The fucking neighbors have guests again."
Mom was horrified. I was, like, five. I knew it was a bad word but not as bad as she was making it out to be and, desperate to put the blame on anyone but me, I told her I had learned it from the Beetlejuice cartoon.
She... didn't believe me, obviously. Nickelodeon isn't going to drop the F-bomb. But she gave me the ultimatum of I either never watch it again, or I admit that I'm lying. I maintained my innocence and she stuck by her guns. That cartoon stayed banned in my house for years, lol.
— KogoDogo
- Pokémon. My mom said we weren't allowed to watch it. I thought it must be REALLY inappropriate. I mean, the Simpsons was allowed so it must be worse than that.
My grandma once got me a kid's meal at Burger King and the toy was a pokemon figure. I was so shocked and embarrassed and then I thought that BK must be a bad restaurant. I couldn't believe my grandma didn't know how wicked it must be.
Years later, I learned that my mom just found the show annoying.
— HeyItsReallyME
- I couldn't wear jeans as a child, or any black, grey, or navy blue clothes because my mom thought it was too sad.
— joshpeck69_
- Peacock feathers, real, fake or even drawn/painted. They were the devils eyes. And elephant statues/figures, unless they faced a door.
— ThePonderingFox
- I had a cup of red flavored Hawaiian Punch at school when I was in like 1st grade. I came home and was apparently bouncing off the walls sugar-high, which is how my mom describes it. She then told me that I was allergic to red drinks and that was a side effect. So up until I was in high school and we were having a class party, my teacher asked if anyone had any allergies for food. I raised my hand, so confidently, that I was allergic to red drinks. Everyone was confused, because I was allergic to specifically red food coloring or like strawberries/cherries? But no, I told them just red drinks. I realized how dumb that sounded so I asked my mom and she told me she said that because I was too much to handle that day.
— xxphantomxx77
- Harry Potter.
I got to read the first two books, then my mom got concerned about the 'witchcraft' in the books.
I read them on my own a few years later, at the library.
My mom was okay with Twilight, though, so figure that one out.
— galaxyprintleggings
- Spray butter.
My brother once accidentally sprayed my dad in the eyes with it at the dinner table. Never saw it again.
— calihant
- The word "retreat." My father was career military, and while everyone else in my high school youth group went on a "weekend retreat," I went on a "weekend tactical withdrawl."
— estrogyn
- Drawing on condensation on the car window. We always got yelled at and beaten if we drew on a foggy window.
Fast forward many years. I’m married and have kids. We’re leaving a museum and my kids draw on the foggy windows. I tell them to stop. A few minutes later, they do it again. I tell at them this time. My husband yells “listen to your mother. She told you to stop.” He then whispers to me, “why can’t they draw on the windows?”
I had never thought about it before. I just said “I wasn’t allowed to do that as a kid. I thought it was a thing.” He cracked up and said it’s not a thing, and then he let our kids draw with their fingers.
— IWantALargeFarva
- Watching Spongebob (Sad Childhood, ik)
— pokedok
- A VHS copy of The Exorcist. My mom wouldn't allow it because it was inviting evil. The reason this is odd is because from an early age I'd had an interest in the Occult. I was always bringing home books on witchcraft, hauntings, etc. She would comment that I was "inviting evil" but never told me I couldn't bring those books home. I even had a ouija board that she let me keep. But, for whatever reason, she drew the line with that movie. That was always weird to me.
— IwantAnIguana