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Parents of Reddit, what are some underrated advantages of having children?
- Funny stories. Kids say and do some absurd stuff. I've been writing down what I can ever since he's been born.
— SaintFrog
- I taught my daughters it's important to say "I love you" and hug the people you love. Me and most people around me are now constantly showered with love.
— HATA111
- Mine is 16 months but watching him get excited about stuff is the highlight of my day.
Also they're super good at illustrating how other people see you because they imitate EVERY DAMN THING you do. My son "works out" with me every day. He flexes in the mirror if he isnt wearing a shirt because daddy did it. He has an old phone, which he stomped through the house yelling in it, waving his arms around and hour after i got in an argument over the phone. Im trying to model the behavior i WANT him to imitate. He makes me a better person.
— MaybeVaderLater
- You get to do all sorts of fun stuff that adults are shamed for, including water slides, regular slides, swings, get excited about toy stores, and children's museums.
— jrgallag
- Built in excuse to leave social gatherings. "Timmy needs his nap, gotta go!"
— IAteHippieGumbo
- I now have someone who consistently wants to play board games with me.
— UncleTrustworthy