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Men, how do you attempt to flirt?

  1. My flirting strategy is solid. I start by showing no romantic interest at all, before missing my chance to say something, and finish up by wallowing in regret and shame. It's awesome.

  2. 1. Make eye contact 2. Smile 3. Try to initiate a conversation 4. Fail
    — hello_friend_

  3. Well, you see, it's a very simple 8 step process. 1. Smile and try to start a conversation (This step usually fails. If so, skip to step 8) 2. Realize I'm not making any eye contact 3. Make eye contact 4. Realize I'm making too much eye contact 5. Make slightly less eye contact, but have no idea where I'm supposed to be looking now 6. They say they have something to do and leave 7. Wonder if they really did have something to do, or if they just didn't want to be around me anymore 8. Go home and cry
    — theslamprogram

  4. I club the largest four legged beast I can find and build a great fire pit in front of her domicile. I roast the creature, and offer her the pelt and hind quarters. She screams, "Rufus! You've killed my dog!" I whirl and sway to the rhythm of the Shubahtah, the fertility dance of my people. She calls the cops.
    — tylerss20

  5. Poorly.
    — roastedtoperfection

  6. "hello mister lady. I'm bad at dropping limes." *Drops a lone citrus*
    — TheHootingLance

  7. I do pretty well these days, but was quite terrible at picking up women in my youth when I was not following rule 1 and 2. I take a 3 step approach. Each step needs a positive response before escalating. If ever there is a negative response I politely abort. 1. When you first see someone you are attracted to try to engage in eye contact. Wait for them to get that eye contact and don't immediatly look away. Smile, and if she smiles back you need to act immediately. No smile, she's not interested. She looks away right away, not interested. She pukes in her drink a little, not interested. 2.Walk over to her right away after the smile. On the way look for something unique about her that you can quickly comment on in a positive way. I like to go for things like jewelry, dresses, or athletic equipment (bike stuff). It's not to say that I am only interested in women for their appearence, but you most likely don't know anything about them yet. Here is where so many guys screw up the compliment. Don't make it about you, make it about them. Eg. Don't say "I like your earrings," that's about you. Instead go for something like "your earrings are quite beautiful, do they have a story behind them?" or "That sundress is the perfect choice for today's weather." Again, watch for positive signals. Hair adjustment, smiles, engaged open ended answers. If you are getting kurt answers, or negative responses she's not into it and do a quick goodbye. 3. If she is still talking now you need to find out if she is just polite or interested in you too. You need to engage physically. This can either be done with an invitation to engage you if you are a skilled improvisor, or forward motion if you are brave. I've had incredible success with talking about how soft my hair is. No really! I must be some type of genetic freak, people have always told me my hair feels like a babies. Go ahead give it a feel for yourself. If she does, she's into you, if not, again, not interested. Alternatively, if you are going to instigate just be sure there is a conversation about what you are doing to gauge her wanting or not wanting your contact. Ask to take her to the bar and offer your arm, or offer to carry something. Again, you need to evaluate reactions, it's the key to successful flirting. From there, tell jokes til she says we should get out of here, or says she has to go and offers you her number. Always, Always, Always look for the positive and negative responses along the way.
    — RideFarmSwing

  8. An awkward smile and the word "hey." After that my mind blanks.
    — DoctorSneak

  9. Generally there's a list of dialog choices on the screen, with the effectiveness of the player's choice and some sort of affinity system in place with the target of the flirt affecting the outcome.
    — AvulsionFracture

  10. I just have some banter with them, few jokes, funny stories usually just falls into place as I'm chatting to them.
    — Irishbread

  11. Try to consult the D.E.N.N.I.S. system. Step one, D.emonstrate your value.
    — hillsadavid