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What are you embarrassed to admit you can't do?
- Whistle.
— chefryebread
- Dance
— fishmoth
- Swim
— Roorim
- Ride a bike
— number9muses
- Drive, since I'm 24. Got my learners permit last week though.
I feel like people will assume I can't drive because I'm lazy or incompetent, like that one 30 year old dude who refused to leave his parents' basement.
— Audacious531
- Open post/parcels.
I just destroy them.
— RooBlemford
- I can't drive a car with a manual transmission. I've never had to, but it still kinda sucks.
— Halgy
- I didn’t learn to tie my shoes till high school
— penisman911
- I have trouble remembering which letters come first in the alphabet, unless I recite the alphabet from 'a' to the letter in question. They're in general groupings though. Letters in the grouping, G H I J K L, always get mixed up as well as the grouping, O P Q R S T, and the grouping U V W.
I also have trouble with months of the year and legitimately could not recite the months in order until the age of 25 after a lot of practice, and still struggle to this day. Ask me what month comes after July, and I will likely say September.
— Gas_Ass_Trophy
- As a man, work on cars. I can change a tire, and check the oil, and that's about it. My father on the other hand can (and has) built a car from the ground up and has always tried to get me interested, but never was.
— _Shaddai_
- Orgasm
— Cousin-LetsGoBowling
- Smile. With my teeth showing, it looks super creepy. Without my teeth showing it resembles the meme of the smiling old guy who is dead inside.
— Ztrikr
- I can't even do one sit up. Before that sounds kinda normal, I am a regular gym goer, who runs marathons and I'm in good shape. It's kinda shameful in the classes tbh .
— tinned_spaghetti
- As a Canadian, I'm embarrassed to say I can't skate backwards.
— CodeMonkey24