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What's a movie you love that most people seem to hate?

  1. I know Reddit has some fans, but most people freak out when I try to convince them that *Joe Dirt* was actually good and very funny.
    — TheLateThagSimmons

  2. Signs
    — flyerflew

  3. I love the Riddick movies. I know they're pretty silly, but friggin' Chronicles of Riddick keeps a smile on my face the whole time it is playing. I'm also a devout Waterworld fan, and the tie-in here is that both were originally penned by David Twohy.
    — MarinertheRaccoon

  4. In Time with Justin Timberlake
    — 1standarsh

  5. A lot of people seemed to have an issue with Lady in the Water, but I thought it was pretty good. Some movies, like Kung Pow and Napoleon Dynamite are polarizing with people so depending on what group I'm around, those movies count too I guess.
    — theonlydidymus

  6. Tron Legacy
    — Signiss

  7. The Mummy
    — vogdswagon26

  8. The 2005 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy film. Most people object to it on adaptation and quality but I just enjoy it so much
    — Shaddy_the_guy

  9. Contact.
    — Pm-me-some-personals

  10. The village by M. Night Shamalamadingdong
    — clapton99