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What's a random movie quote that stills pop in your head all the time?
- You are a sad, strange little man.
— Faranoosh
- "Jjjjjjjuuuuuussssssttttttt a bit outside" - Major league
— hulidoshi
- Coincidence? I think NOT!
— NoRagretsAtAll
- "If they're going to die, they better hurry and do it, and decrease the surplus population!" --Ebenezer Scrooge
— PianoManGidley
- "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
— GingerNinja23
- does barry manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?
— bayleighwbush
- It’s not a Toooma!
— gazzaskebab
- “Kevin’s a girl?!” - Russell (Up)
— curse_bandit
- Maybe, Maybe not, Maybe fuck yourself
— Ant_Overlord
- "Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elder berries."
— HotoPotato
- Get busy living, or get busy dying.
— ajmacbeth
- "I think I've got the black lung pop"
— Punkrock27
- “It’s treason, then.”
— SS-Dude-Boss
- “Oh hi mark*
— PandaSqueakz
The worst part is that this quote keeps popping up in my head while taking my exams.
— hanuman1702
- mister stark, I dont feel so good
— coencoenie
- Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave...WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS
— Yasslord6900