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Which subreddits have the most misleading names?

  1. /r/Superbowl I went there to talk about the Detroit Lions and they were like, *hoo?*
    — Broketographer

  2. /r/peoplefuckingdying
    — ThisMayBeADrill

  3. /r/marijuanaenthusiasts
    — foogers

  4. [/r/kansas]( is not about Arkansas. It's about Kansas.
    — Keys_01

  5. /r/gaming it's actually just /r/gamingcirclejerk
    — huffpuff1337

  6. r/disneyvacation

  7. r/JohnCena
    — BlazedLarry

  8. The whole network of previous porn subs now all about kitties! r/tightpussy r/chickswithhugepussies r/pocketpussy
    — omghooker

  9. /r/bigbustycoons
    — mtd074

  10. r/boottoobig r/bonehurtingjuice r/funny
    — Smudgicul

  11. r/dickpics
    — BeansandTea

  12. /r/dataisbeautiful Never seen any sexy pics of Brent Spiner
    — AGMarasco