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What kind of common behaviour on Reddit would be akward in real life?

  1. The impromptu sing-a-longs we have, where someone posts the lyrics to a song and everyone continues it.
    — Ua-Rar

  2. Intentionally asking the same question that somebody asked a week ago because a lot of people liked it.
    — MGE5

  3. Giving gold to strangers
    — butrcupps

  4. Naming a subreddit that fits whatever situation you're in
    — SilentAcoustic

  5. Replying to what someone said hours later.
    — Nintii

  6. Going through someones history to call them out. You'd get called a creep or a stalker irl if you somehow knew what someone said or did months ago
    — N3MO_

  7. Seeing a group of people standing around having a conversation and just jumping in with your own thoughts. No "Excuse me, I couldn't help but over hear...." it's just "I fucking love sandwiches and goats wearing swimming goggles."
    — sebrebc

  8. Quoting copypastas Imagine trying to diffuse an argument with the Navy Seal one, or segueing into Hell In A Cell when going over your employment history during a job interview
    — metans

  9. Downvoting people.
    — JynSwift

  10. Sitting around chatting with strangers. Well, not awkward for me, but I bet for most people.
    — woManone

  11. Being a socially-awkward loser whose main form of "social interaction" comes from talking to other people on the internet.
    — rocketmantan