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Managers of Reddit, what’s the fastest you’ve had to fire a new hire?
- hired a kid to work opening shifts at a local pool. We were short staffed so he was learning the ropes with me on a 5am shift. As we opened he asked if he could make a quick cup of coffee. I agreed asking him to make me one. Around 5 minutes later a swimmer comes up to me and said she saw my lifeguard snorting something. I was obviously pissed and went to go see what was going down. I go up to the window and saw him doing another line. After a short argument he finally decited to just leave and not make me drug test him. lasted a whole 10 minutes of us being open.
— OhNoItsMarco
- I managed a gas station for a while. I hired this guy who seemed completely normal, which was hard to come by so I had him start the next day. After about 30 mins of working he says he needs a break. No big deal, something must have come up. Maybe 10 minutes later a customer came in saying a man was passed out in the men's restroom. I send another guy working into the restroom and the dude I just hired was naked and completely unresponsive. Paramedics come and turns out he overdosed on heroin. He survived but I still never got an answer on why he was naked.
— Wabajaba
- One week. I got a call from the county jail because this girl I had just hired had been arrested and she refused to give any info to the police except for the fact that she worked for this particular store. They called me trying to figure out her info and a person to contact about her arrest. I told them I couldn’t give out that info but I would call her emergency contact to let them know that she was in jail.
I call this girl’s emergency contact (who was her mom) and told the mom that her daughter was currently sitting in jail. All the mom said was, “figures” and she hung up on me.
After she was released from jail, about two days later she ended up in the hospital from alcohol poisoning. So yeah, I had to let her go. The worst part is that I actually liked her.
— YouHadMeAtTaco
- Not a manager but a former co worker of mine was fired from our inbound customer service rep job during our 2nd on the phones shift because he shouted at a customer “my god are you fucking stupid?!” He SAYS he forgot to hit mute ..
— Ashleighbell032
- Two different ones. I run a car dealership I hired a young guy 22 maybe? He is waiting around after getting hired to get his passwords and is out with other salesman. A man walks in with his teen daughter and the guy starts loudly talking about the sexual things he would do with her. The Dad hears and is brought to me. I walked out and fired him. That one was 20 minutes after being hired. The second I hired a guy to be a salesman and asked him if he has a record. He said no and was fired 4 hours later for having a Grand theft auto charge....
— SquishPuddin
- I had a person who was all smiles in the interview to be a personal banker. She seemed to have a knack for sales, and just, really sharp. Within the first hour of her starting, post training, she attempted to deposit 100000 into a dummy account she had set up. It set off about a million red flags in the system that alerted me, my boss and my bosses boss. Time from clocking in forst day post training, to being fired/arrested....20 minutes. 10 of those were waiting for the cops.
— Bbqandspurs
- Wide open call center desk farm. Dude on first day fires up the porn - with sound.
— itsalwaysamyth
- Came in the night after his first training shift. He wasn't scheduled. Didn't tell anyone he was there. He went into one of our female residents rooms. It's unclear what he did while he was in there as this particular resident wasn't able to speak. He came in during a noc shift when there was 3 staff total in the entire building. So no one saw him until 4 am when it was time for the next round.
There was no physical evidence of abuse towards the resident so he wasn't charged with anything but he was immediately fired and was blacklisted from our company.
— satanshonda
- not me, but I had a friend who supervised a movie theater. They hire this kid, first day, first showing of the day, he lets 20 people in and follows them in himself. he thought no one would notice he and his friends partying while watching a movie that he closed sales to so they'd have the room to himself.
— Proudlyevil
- I worked for a major 3 lettered computer company. A new service tech was hired. Once he logged in, he pulled out a portable hard drive from his backpack, connected it to his machine, and started to copy everything he had access to. Within 3 hours security was escorting him out the door.
— akeneea
- About an hour. Kid was a temp hire and we set him up at his job, showed him what to do, and turned him loose. There was a can of degreaser sitting with the machine he was operating. I came into my office and sat down, looked up, and watched him pick up a shop rag, spray a lot of degreaser on it, then he pressed it into his face and started huffing it. Deeply. I got up, went over to him, and said, "Come on, son.", and walked him to the door. I asked the temp agency to please attempt to weed out a little better.
— WelcomeMachine
- Less than an hour after orientation.
Got a call shortly after he went to work that he was harassing all the women and claiming "we wouldn't dare fire him or he'll come back at night and break our panels with a hammer, like he did to his last job" he was bragging this to EVERYONE.
— Raptor851
- I had a bartender who lost money her first shift by herself. The drawer started with $200, came back with $140. She had worked 6 hours and did not have many credit card tips or anything, so she "somehow" managed to spend all of her tips + $60 without leaving the building. Yeah, fired.
— tryin2staysane