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What is something that instantly killed the crush you had on someone?
- She was crazy hot, but let her two dogs poop in her apartment, and she would leave it there for days. Im talking dog poop dried and hard just chilling in her kitchen, living room, bed room, whatever. And she thought I was weird for having an issue with it.
— imSuperman81
- This semi-popular preppy guy at my middle-school and I hit it off pretty well, and then he just sat there with his buddies bullying kids with disabilities. Then his clique was super *nice* to the hot young paraeducator that worked in the special ed classroom, and they volunteered, only to make the kids' lives miserable. He asked me out later. I declined.
— TitanicBead
- He argued with the waiter because they didn’t stock “Cabernet”, only Cabernet sauvignon. He insisted *just Cabernet* was a thing.
Now, I don’t know any better myself, but I know I wouldn’t get along with someone so convinced he’s right that he’d argue with the man who literally serves wine for a living.
— tonybenwhite
- She had the messiest/dirtiest room I’ve ever seen. Empty food packets and dirty glasses took up a good portion of the space on her desk and floor. It smelled right funky too. There was half a loaf of bread which had mould on it on this tray on the floor.
— Charlesj998
- She told me all about her fantastic exciting life, but the more i got to know her, the more holes i notices in her tales.
Turned out she was just an adept pathological liar, and i literally didn't know her at all. The girl she had painted a picture of, across 3 weeks and multiple dates was entirely fictional.
The magic died when i asked about a small inconsistency, giving her the benefit of the doubt, and she blew up at me, turned everything i had told her about my life into an attack on my character, and then acted as if she said it for my benefit. All that just to deflect from my question.
— TheNoidedAndroid
- She told me I was a vampire hunter in another life, and that she was a vampire and she was afraid that I was going to kill her.
Deadass, I was in high school and this girl and I had started talking through Myspace and AIM, then decided to finally meet up in school. Now, keep in mind we had been talking (relatively normally) through AIM, it was nice conversations, slightly flirty as highschoolers tend to be. Anyhow, I get to school the next day after deciding to meet her, and she sees me, then hides behind the wall next to her.
Her friend says, You need to leave. So i shrug, then leave. Later that day once I made it home, after contemplating all day what I did wrong, she messages me on AIM and says "I'm so sorry about today, and I'm sorry about all these conversations we had. I didn't know that you were a vampire hunter."
...Excuse me?
"Yeah, I'm a vampire, as you probably know, and i could smell the vampire hunter's blood in your veins. You probably don't even realize you're a vampire hunter, but you are- it's in your blood and in your ancestry."
Shrugged my shoulders, realized she's insane, and moved on.
Years and years later, I found her through a friend of a friend, and she told me that she was just really shallow and thought I was too fat, so she had to find some reason why she didn't like me without "hurting my feelings too much."
— Marzz
- He picked his nose and wiped it on a door handle.
People were watching.
— crochetprozac
- When her petulant child slapped me across the face, and sh laughed about it. Also she talks about herself in the third person...
— Blaqsheep214
- My ex one time wanted me to hang out in the bathroom while he was showering, so he could tell me about his day. After a few minutes the most g o d awful smell to ever grace my nostrils appeared and I started coughing. In between trying to breathe and trying to ask what happened, he interrupted me and laughed saying "Sorry babe I couldn't wait any longer" And he showed me that he took a dump in the shower. I was pretty grossed out but accidents happen I guess.
"Oh don't worry babe, I do this all the time"
I was done at that point.
— Punkkins
- Started dating a girl, after a couple of weeks I went to her house and it was a disgusting mess. Trash piled up everywhere, old food and fast food drinks. They had a bunch of animals and didn’t clean up after them when they ate, there was rotten wet food all over the floor and walls. Animal piss all over the place. Killed any romantic feeling real quick.
— Boyburnsgrey
- He send unwanted nudes to my close friends (at the same time as we were having a normal conversation)
— Its_Natt