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What are some weird or interesting medical facts about yourself?

  1. I suffer from benign essential tremors. People always ask why I’m shaking. It is hereditary, and honestly, a great way to lose weight. I cannot eat too often. Nearly 40 and can’t gain a damn pound. I’m sitting here now and watching my leg spasm. I’m very, very warm. I sweat in negative temperatures. My girl prefers 80F. I prefer 55F. I think it’s an issue with my thyroid.
    — expletive-expletive

  2. I have the smallest nipples I have ever seen on a man. I can cover them up with a dime. [In comparison me and Chris Pratt have about the same size nipples.](
    — planeteater

  3. I have Congenital Anosmia. I was born without a sense of smell.
    — kufel

  4. Even if the blood types are compatible, you should never get a transfusion from me, there are certain antibodies in my blood that cause an immunostorm, and if not caught early enough may end up killing whomever received my blood. I used to donate blood all the time, I will never be allowed to do it any more ever again.
    — john_dune

  5. • The majority of my ligaments are loose. I have very very flat feet and can put my feet behind my head because of this. However, my fingers won’t bend backwards at all. • My pinky finger is disproportionately short compared to the rest of my fingers. Not badly, but enough that as a musician, it’s annoying. • It looks like I have four ankle bones. I don’t, but we’re not entirely sure what the other thing is. • My second and third toes are webbed on each foot. There’s more of anyone’s curious :)
    — melodiclesbian

  6. I grow separate toenails under my existing toenails and after awhile i can pick the top nail off and be left with a perfect nail underneath. I was also only born with two wisdom teeth.
    — k10napel777

  7. I have a tiny third nipple just below my right nipple. I guess this isn't a medical fact but I haven't been sick since I was a teenager (I'm 33 now) and I've never had a headache or heartburn.
    — Kickinpuppies

  8. I have an exceptionally big bladder. If I go out drinking, I'll be able to drink just as much as everyone else but usually only have to pee the morning after if I decide to hold it in. A side effect of this is that if I hold it in really long, I also pee really long. Not that special, but if we meet new people my friends like to bring it up everytime. I discovered it when I was getting checked for a bladder infection, I had to drink as much as I could and then had to pee in some kind of contraption. I remember my mom being angry at me because she thought I hadn't drank enough, but I proved her wrong haha I can also squirt water out my eyes.
    — wherecanigetadrink

  9. My cousin was born with her heart on the wrong side of her body and the doctors were so so confused at first. Now she has to explain it constantly.
    — stylophonics

  10. I was literally tongue tied as a child. It impacted my speech among other issues. Its caused by a thicker, shorter membrane connecting the tongue to the bottom of your mouth. The fix, at least for me, is to snip it a bit. I can move my tongue more now, and I don't have speech issues, but I can still barely stick my tongue out between my lips. But *man*, when I first got my tongue freed, I was amazed.
    — Kii_at_work

  11. I have so called [Preauricular Sinuses](, which basically are open glands right above my ears. I never thought about it before, but have always been able to extract some tallow from them which is somewhat amusing
    — DanusDenGode

  12. I have a super strong photic sneeze reflex, which means that whenever I go out to the sun or turn the light in my room I sneeze like a bitch for a good minute
    — avi7070

  13. I was born without my left kidney and did not know it until I was 14! I am also mildly allergic to the sun.
    — QueenMoogle

  14. I started growing an ovarian cyst when I was about 11 or 12 and we didn't find out about it until I was 19. The hospital estimated it would be the size of a basketball, but it was definitely much larger. On an old harddrive, I have a picture of it in the arm of the surgeon and it filled from elbow to wrist and then some. There was also a smaller cyst on my other ovary, as well as a bit of endometriosis on my uterus. The cyst was so large, they had to do a vertical incision down my abdomen that basically goes from sternum to pubic bone. Took 35 staples to close it up. Edit: since people keep asking, I moved a few years ago and don’t know where my hard drive is, so I’m not sure where the photos are. I’ll look tho. And no, you can’t see my scar, ya weirdos. 😉
    — cbratty