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What weird thing about your body do you think nobody else experiences?

  1. Sometimes when I’m really hungry I’ll get a bubbly sensation in the back of my throat. It feels like the sound of a carbonated beverage when it’s first being poured. My sister gets it too but everyone else I’ve asked thinks we’re weird. Eta: a word
    — aYELLOWnecklace

  2. I sometimes hear/feel what I can only describe as ‘electricity’ in my back/neck. It’s almost as if there is a discharging of electricity that just releases at the base of my neck every now and then. No pain, just noise and tingly.
    — GladiusVCreed

  3. I don't know how to explain it but I can create this sort of intense "sinking feeling" all over my body like I had the worst news ever. I can't hold it very long until I see stars. When I was a kid I thought this was me pushing my energy out of my body and I could maybe one day focus it and be like a DBZ character.
    — deadyeast

  4. Once I start shaking my leg I can't stop it. It won't stop going. It only happens however at a certain angle. I get it every now and again, and when I do it doesnt fucking stop. I have to physically stop it.
    — Trinitide

  5. Sometimes I'll just be sitting around and suddenly I can feel EVERYTHING touching my body. Its so uncomfortable. My hair touches me and my clothes touch me and a breeze is touching me and I cant get away from it and then all my muscles tense up and there's no comfortable way to "be" at all. I want to jump out of my skin but that's impossible. It eventually goes away but its horrible. The only thing that really fixes it is sleep.
    — johnmcdracula

  6. When I am in a strange or unfamiliar place, I get what I refer to as “the shitty feeling.” I don’t really have to shit, but it feels like I could. It usually happens if I find myself alone in a secluded part of a large building. I’m thinking, “Nobody’s here. I shouldn’t be here. I gotta take a shit.”
    — orangeworker

  7. Every time I open my jaw fully it pops and makes a sound. I’ve told both my dentist and my ENT doctor and they both seemed to have zero concern. I still think it isn’t normal, but I haven’t had anyone say they have the same thing.
    — abbolin

  8. My left eye gets random twitching sensations. Not a twitch that's visible, but I feel it. And it's only ever my left eye. Sometimes changing how I'm standing or sitting can alleviate it, so I wonder if I'm... I don't know, unintentionally pinching a specific optical nerve, somehow. Also, I can crack my ears.
    — OhHeyFreeSoup

  9. Sometimes when i turn my head fast i get a lightening pain down my neck, I feel it on my tongue. Hoping its nothing
    — SisypheanBalls

  10. headache 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. for 10 years. woo.
    — cinnamonsnuggle

  11. I get physically ill when I look at color maps with large bodies of water. It's obviously some weird psychological reaction; it's like how other people might throw up or faint at the sight of blood. But I have no idea WHY it happens, and why only color maps, and why not satellite photos or undersea photos, or in real life out on the water. When I was a kid I was fascinated with geography and I used to flip through my dad's atlas all the time, look at borders and place names and countries and states. But I had to do it with my eyes closed, and open just one very slowly, so if it was a country or state with a large coastline, I could flip the page quickly. Still would feel nauseated from just that little peek. (Secretly hoping someone sees this and goes "hey, me too!" because in 31 years I've never met anyone with this specific phobia, or even close to, and it makes me feel weird AF.) Also, raw carrots make me hiccup. Which I feel like might actually be something that legit exists, but I've never met anyone else it happens to.
    — TheGlitterMahdi

  12. I *used* to be able to hear well above normal human hearing range. I could hear power lines humming. The sound of a cheap TV set (cathode ray tube) would send me out. If a room (they screech). When I was doing my physical testing for entry into the Army, they stopped the hearing test and accused me of timing the beeps. Got them to restart, they told me my hearing was ridiculous... Heard up to 21Khz, drop off at 22,000, picked up again at 23Khz. After 8 Years in the army, with shooting ranges, etc, hearing tested dead normal... No disability.
    — bentnotbroken96