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Which animals have an undeserved bad reputation?
- The corvid birds (ravens, crows, magpies) tend to get a morbid association with death and decay, because they eat carrion. They are highly intelligent, and the ecosystem needs carrion eaters.
— tylerss20
- Horseshoe Crabs. They may seem scary, but their "stinger" on the end of their shell isn't a stinger at all; it just helps them to maintain their balance. Their worst enemy is the tide coming in and flipping them over, honestly. They have no teeth either so they have to walk over their food or mash it up with their legs before eating it. Most people think they're creepy, or weird, or just downright dangerous around here.
— Leanonberger
- Black cats get treated really badly due to stupid superstitions, with maltreatment ranging from not being adopted (because of said stupid superstition) or even some people going so far as to use them in rituals or other horrible things (also because of said stupid superstition).
— Ashefall
- Gorillas are very shy and rarely ever injure anything seriously.
— meta_uprising
- Bats . Bats are the fucking best and people hate them for some reason.
Do you know that you're more likely to get rabies from a fox than from a bat?
They don't get caught in your hair and anyone who says it's happened to them is full of shit. Their senses and their in air reflexes are so highly tuned this just straight up doesn't happen.
Bats eat an INSANE amount of bugs. Like, seriously, a shit load of bugs. You want bats around to control the mosquito population. Growing up back home, within 10 minutes of dusk the mosquitos would be gone because we had a large population of bats living in our attic and in the adjoining woods.
I recommend everyone who can, builds a bat house. Their populations are dwindling because of loss of habitat and it sucks.
Bats are also pollinators. There are a lot of species of bat's that don't eat bugs, but eat fruit or nectar, and they are huge contributors to to health of local flora.
They're also always thought of us as dirty rodents. They aren't even rodents. They're actually more closely related to primates than they are to rodents (check out a bat skeleton, it's like a weirdly proportioned human one). That's not really a reason to like them, just a fun fact.
— CanadianMutton
- Possums. They don’t spread Lyme disease or rabies, they eat the things that do, and they’re really good moms. I love possums
— Googsy8921
- Bees, people have mistaken they have the aggression of a wasp
EDIT: I get it guys, like spiders unless you stick your hand directly in the web, you probably won’t be messed with.
— confusedstudent1212
- Snakes.
The vast majority of snake bites occur when someone tries to handle a wild snake. They will actively try to avoid you for the most part, and if you leave it alone odds are it'll do the same to you.
— Elapid_Hunter
- Mosquitoes. Because really, when you think about it, mosq--
No, actually, fuck mosquitoes.
— Caruthers
- Hyenas. They're just like any other predator, just not as cute
— SalamandrAttackForce