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What "Old Person" things do you do?

  1. Peer out the blinds without being seen when I hear a ruckus outside.
    — WinterPicture

  2. Worry about my digestion.
    — BloodyNobody

  3. I bought an "Old Man-Looking" recliner recently and make the sound "ggggggeeeeeerrrahhhhh!" when getting out of the chair. I'm 29. Edit: Have also fallen asleep in that mofo every night for 2 weeks.
    — slapzgiving

  4. Go to bed before 10pm even on the weekends unless I am at an event.
    — Bodymindisoneword

  5. When I am in a grocery store. Pull my list out of my jacket pocket, with a pen, and tilt my head down to look at the list, then tilt my head up to get the right look at it through my glasses, purse my lips and say "alright now, where is this stuff". Just like my father used to.
    — Sacerdotal

  6. I wear sensible shoes 99% of the time.
    — hjohodor

  7. One time I was laying in bed at ~7:30pm, watching Jeopardy! and knitting. A commercial came on for a news report that was happening at like, 10:30 and I went, "UGH, SO LATE!!!" Everything I do is like an old person. I'm 31.
    — applepirates

  8. Today i walked into my garage wearing a collared polo shirt, khaki shorts and socks with sandals. I then squatted down in front of my broken lawnmower, adjusted my clear frame glasses and said; 'now lets see what we have here.'

  9. I've been automatically given the senior citizen discount three times now at Chinese restaurants. I'm only 48. I guess I look older than I am, or the Asian proprietors have just as much difficulty guessing Westerners' ages as I have guessing Asian people's ages.
    — whomp1970

  10. "Oh shoot!" "Goodness gracious!" "Oh my Lord!" My cries of exclamation are a little outdated, to say the least.
    — BbConcertScale