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What is something simple that people do that you find deeply disturbing?

  1. There is some fellow grown adult* at my professional workplace who leaves poo smears/film/skid marks on the back edge of the toilet seat. Like every day. This disturbs me a lot. *I really hope this is only one of my coworkers. I guess there could be more...
    — preuxfox

  2. Lick their fingers while counting out cash.
    — thesamedeviled-egg

  3. It's disturbing when people at work spit out their chewing gum into the water cooler's basin - near where you drink from the fountain. The used gum just sits there, splashing around until someone else finally removes it. Would it really take too much effort to place the used gum wad in a piece of paper and place it in the waste basket?
    — Back2Bach

  4. As someone who works in retail: keeping your money anywhere but in your pocket/bag/wallet. I had my first sweaty titty money of the year today, pray for me y'all.
    — haelesor

  5. Maybe not as strong as 'disturbing', but I really don't understand how people can eat greasy food with their fingers and then handle their or other people's stuff without washing them. Ick.
    — HouseDownTheStreet

  6. Acting *too* friendly, when the interaction seems forced and not genuine, it's creepy
    — commonvanilla

  7. Bully other people. How do they do it, when the other person is just obviously getting really upset, or crying, or just getting their self esteem pounded? If you can do this, and find it funny, you may actually be a monster.
    — Truffle_dog

  8. Litter
    — acns0630

  9. record strangers on Snapchat. I've never, ever felt the urge to record a random person and post it to my story, even if i'm saying something positive. there's something very wrong with people who record someone at school, the gym, etc. without their knowledge, *especially* if they are saying something rude. it puts a bad taste in my mouth and ruins the image of the person who posts it. fucked up.
    — morose_bug

  10. Clip nails or toe nails in public places. It's always off of a keychain clipper they have on their keys. They totally planned this and it's totally disturbing.
    — Photoninja7

  11. Scream and talk back to teachers like its no big deal. It’s become a daily routine for a lot of the students in my school
    — Negegrus

  12. YouTube comments. Yes, we know, anonymity brings out people's true selves. But the issue is what are we doing wrong as individuals and as a society that so many are filled with so much fear, hate, and abhorrence for themselves and other people? It's indicative of a much deeper issue at the heart of humanity. Also, oversharing on social media (I know, Reddit is social media, but it's anonymous) and hyper engineering this inauthentic image of yourself on a digital platform and connecting so much of your worth with it. I don't want complete strangers knowing where I work, what I'm constantly doing, where I'm vacationing, who my friends are, ect. The intimate details of my life are only for people who are close to me and those people have my phone number so they can contact me directly. Yes I understand that social media is just a tool and it's up to the people themselves to define their relationship with it, but so far, damn we need to grow up so we can use it towards better enriching ourselves.
    — happytailbone

  13. Leave the bathroom without washing their hands. And fuck that, "lol it's not like I shit on my hands, what's the big deal?" stuff. Maybe *you* didn't, but the guy before you who had explosive diarrhea and then touched the stall door and everything else sure did.
    — freudian_nipslip

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