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If a religion other than your own was proven to be indisputably true, which one would you want it to be and why?
- Daoism.
* Possibility of becoming an immortal or god? ✔
* Being able reign about life and death? ✔
* Being able to adventure through the universe? ✔
* Being able to use 'magic' ✔
— 18KaiZer71
- I always loved Norse Mythology...
— QueenHela
- I don’t know why anyone hasn’t said Buddhism. The philosophy behind Buddhism makes the most sense to me, and the moral implications of a proven “put good out get good back” and vice versa for negative actions would probably make the world a much better place.
Edit: I obviously don’t know enough about Buddhism
— introinspection
- The old Egyptian religion, because I already know a lot about it, and it's the most interesting... In my opinion
— DM-Hollens-117
- Jainism says death is the ultimate release from the cycle of suffering that is life. Seems very /r/me_irl
— deepsoulfunk
- Blood for the Blood God!!!!!
Skulls for the Skull Throne!!!!!
— DancinginAshes
- Sikhism.
Their beliefs basically boil down to: don't be overly attached to material things. Don't use things that bring temporary satisfaction to distract yourself from bettering yourself as a person. You have a divine obligation to fight for the freedom of others, and to strive for prosperity for everyone, not just yourself.
— Desert_Bluffs
- Greek or Roman Mythology. It seems like a cool fantasy land.
— Straus7945
- Jediism obvs
— Fatkatuk