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What's the most infuriating thing you've ever been woken up by?

  1. The fire alarm in the entire apartment complex went off because someone burnt the toast at 3 am in the morning.
    — El_ninoComeBack

  2. My ex and I were woken up at 1 in the morning by police and CPS because his ex girlfriend reported that we'd beaten his child and that she'd *just* seen him. (He had a broken nose which was his own fault and she saw him the day before.) She called at midnight to report it, knowing that we'd all be asleep. SO they show up with flashlights in our windows and banging on the door, demanding to be let in or they'd bust down the door. We all got out of bed, they pulled the kid into a private room and stripped him down to check him for bruising. We were interviewed by CPS and the police in separate rooms - and at around 2:30 they finally left to go arrest her for false informing. Some details: We had placement of the child because he was removed from the mother's home. She did similar things a couple times, reporting us for abuse. Eventually this incident was brought up to the judge when he considered terminating her parental rights, which he did.
    — imnotacrazyperson

  3. An awareness that there was a 'presence' in my room, and when I finally got the guts to turn on my lamp, I discovered that my sister was digging through my shoes. At 6 am.
    — Face-in-the_Crowd

  4. My university housemate, at 1 am, telling me to 'pretend to be asleep' because she wanted to have sex with her boyfriend, who was apparently too insecure to do it knowing I was in the room next door. To this day I still don't know why she didn't just leave me asleep.
    — quinacridone_rose

  5. I lived in an old flat that had a dated heavy plastered ceiling. One night the whole plasterd layer just colapsed on me and my girlfriend, she woke up screaming and I nearly had a heart attack. Took a minute to actually work out what the hell had happened. Worst wake up call ever.

  6. One night around 2am I heard this horrible animal screeching, wailing, guttural cry. I live near a fairly busy road, so I assume an animal, probably one of the neighborhood cats has been hit by a car and crawled up near my porch to die. I try to roll over and go back to sleep, but this hideous painful wailing continues and I just can't stand it. Tears spring to my eyes as I turn on my lights and try to think of the best way to out this poor wounded animal out it's misery. I have nothing. Not a shovel, or a bat or anything that would be quick and not require me to get close, because holy God do I not want to get close when I kill this poor suffering animal. The idea is making me sick and by this point I'm crying. I finally decide to just go look, maybe it's going to die soon without my intervention, maybe it's just a broken leg or something and all I'll need to do is call animal control. I turn the light on my phone on, wrap up in my robe, and head out the door. The noise stops. Is it dead? Is it trying to hide from me? I tiptoe around and turn off my light. I hear it again, light back on in the direction of the sound, phone shaking in my hand as I cry imagining what I'm about to see. Nothing. I hear something above me and aim my beam up into the tree. Raccoons screwing. I've never been so pissed off at an animal in my life. They also looked incredibly affronted that I'd disturbed them, and kept it up for another hour or so while I fumed in bed with a pillow over my ears. TL;DR: Thought I would have to mercy kill an animal, turned out to be raccoons screwing.
    — rubberduck283

  7. I was a lazy 15 year old that wouldn't wake up to help my dad shovel snow after a blizzard, so he proceeded to bring a shovelful of fresh snow into my room and dump it on my idiot shirtless back while I lay in bed. 15 years later, I now see it for what it was: a legit badass move.
    — poaauma

  8. # " MOOOOOOMMY "
    — legendofriss

  9. My cat peeing on my head
    — chirpcheeper

  10. My old landlord illegally entering my apartment for an unannounced inspection then getting mad at me for freaking out (I have severe PTSD and this was known) at being woken up by two people talking right outside the bedroom door of my locked home.
    — the_question_why

  11. Somebody in my apartment complex got picked up every morning by an idiot who immediately pulled up and honked their horn. At 5 AM. I would normally wake up around then anyway, but I really resented their insensitivity.
    — Scrappy_Larue

  12. My dad bought himself a banjo. He would walk into my room bright and early strumming his banjo and singing a song he made up on the spot about waking up. Often he would throw salt in the wound by calling me a dingleberry in the song.
    — CalmAmidstChaos

  13. My drunk-ass boyfriend coming home from a night out at four in the morning and pissing in my wardrobe because he thought it was the bathroom. Not thrilled. *Not thrilled at all.*
    — Portarossa

  14. I sleep under the roof. One day I woke up because I heard a shitload of noise right above me. I opened my skylight window, only to see a man standing next to it. On the 3rd floor. I quickly shut the window again. Turns out they were installing solar panels, the man was standing on a gauntry. His collegues were crawling around on the roof. The landlord forgot to inform us about this. This morning I was woken up by knocking sounds on the roof as well. Turned out to be a crow.
    — Pikachu_91

  15. Possums. Every single night they run across the roof. *Every.* **Single.** ***Night.***
    — seany_the_sheepy

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