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What is the worst taste ?
- Orange juice right after you brush your teeth.
— somefatchick
- I once took an Advil in liqui-gel form and bit down on it by mistake.
You don't want the liquid inside those bad boys touching your tongue I tell you hwat.
— MistahZig
- When you burp and bile comes with it.
I cringe just thinking about it.
— Cloacal_prolapse
- Tonsilloliths- "tonsil stones." Just wretched.
— rsh150a
- Ear wax.
— GoodLordChokeAnABomb
- Defeat.
— gordo31
- Prednisone
— Evilmonkey12
- Semirelated: I sometimes feel bad for the people that can't enjoy cilantro because for 25% of people it tastes like soap. That has to be torture.
- Day old beer with a cigarette butt in it.
— North_South_Side
- That stuff they put in your mouth to make a mold for retainers with. That shit is so nasty I would throw up a little every time they had to use it.
— cfitz17
- Nintendo Switch cartridges
— Am-I-Dead-Yet
- The unofficial liquor of Chicago is this [yellow-green colored drink called Malort]( It tastes like sin, but it's a rite of passage to becoming a true Chicagoan.
— graciasadios
- When you rip your vape and expect fruity tooty rainbow unicorn farts and get a lung full of burning cotton instead
— therockwall