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Which conspiracy theory do you believe in?

  1. The Disney film ‘Frozen’ was named that way to replace search engine results for Walt Disney being cryogenically frozen.
    — AdrianFish

  2. The ice cream machine at McDonald's isn't broken, those fuckers are just too lazy to clean it.
    — justburch712

  3. John Lang. He uncovered a scam about the Fresno police targeting low income people, alerted the media and then was subsequently killed. Throughout this he would make constant posts on his Facebook about the police stalking him, and even alerted internal affairs. He posted video of the police congregating outside of his house and unmarked vehicles taking thermal images of his place too. I sincerely believe he was killed by the Fresno police force. This happened in 2016 and received basically minimum media coverage. Edit: I want to add that he was found in his burning home with multiple stab wounds, which was later ruled a suicide. [You can read more about it here. ](
    — ReeuQ

  4. I believe that PETA is funded by the meat industry to make animal activists look like idiots.
    — DanielleBodily

  5. Crime in Las Vegas is systematically underreported in order not to hurt business
    — RobinGerhard

  6. That the most ridiculous conspiracies are made up to discredit more plausible and possibly true ones.
    — LeslieLawing

  7. The idea that tinfoil hats stops the government reading your mind was put out by "big foil" with government support. [Tinfoil hats actually show an *increase* in receptivity to frequency bands used by the government for "radio location" e.g. GPS](
    — Aksi_Gu

  8. Some form of elites being involved in pedophile rings (Hollywood/politicians/diplomats). I don't think it is as wide-spread as many believe, but I do know that there are some pretty sick fucks out there so I'm convinced that they do exist, at least in small pockets.
    — AmeliaZampa

  9. The Montreal Screwjob...Heartbreak Kid was in on that shit
    — Cyecurb

  10. That the government is hiding things, and stuff.
    — TheyCallMeLurch

  11. I don't know what exactly but simething is up with Denver International Airport.
    — Tender1138

  12. The JFK Assassination. I will go to my grave believing JFK was killed by members of his own government.
    — RennyT0wny

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