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What's the funniest Reddit post you've ever read?

  1. This guy legitimately asking how to verbalize Braille so that he could communicate verbally with **blind** people.
    — bparkerson04

  2. I can't find it, but it was about a guy and his son riding bikes, and he has to take a really bad shit in the woods. He ends up thinking he's a time traveler because he finds a roll of toilet paper in the woods. His description of the event had me rolling, because he said he did "the best impression of a broken ice cream machine on a hot summer".
    — supreme_hammy

  3. [The steak that didn't go out the window.](
    — raspberryseltzer

  4. [Frog Stuck in Hailstone]( I still laugh Everytime I read it.
    — GoodLeftUndone

  5. There’s a story that i don’t have the link to, where a man writes a beautiful well written story of how he farted on a kid’s head in a store. If anyone has the link please share!
    — Petrol_in_my_eyes

  6. [Why does my girlfriend always cry]( Also some guy came in the fantasy football sub last year, acccidentally, and posted a request for relationship advice and the replies were hilarious
    — Fantasytoss

  7. The one where OP is having trouble flushing a massive shit on a cruise ship so he calls in a cleaning lady, says "Watch" (because of his limited knowledge of the language), and it fucking flushes
    — rrns

  8. The guy who does shrooms and tries to get his cats out of the basement:
    — cherries_and_wine

  9. I'm partial to the /r/cars thread about having pet garage raccoons:
    — blbd

  10. [This one where this guy broke his toe and everyone slaughtered him because of his toenails had me in tears](
    — PanagiotisG

  11. [what is potato?](
    — goldrops

  12. Fattest thing you've ever done. Tears were rolling down my face. If I'm having a rough day, I just go back and reread it.
    — pupsnpogonas

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