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What thing that people do would make you instantly lose respect for them?

  1. Throw trash to where it doesn't belong.
    — lostoldnameagain

  2. People that cannot admit their faults and would rather deflect blame.
    — KaJaeger

  3. When they treat their pets like shit. Fucking scum.
    — azzaphant

  4. Playing the victim card in unwarranted situations
    — ChilledOutAussie

  5. As a teacher, the thing that makes me instantly lose respect for other teachers is when they demand respect from their students without giving it back.
    — Shiroi_Kitsune

  6. Smeer poop all over my apartment
    — Sweden_ftw

  7. Being cruel to animals
    — CoolStoryMoe

  8. People who, when confronted about something they did and don’t have a leg to stand on, say “why are you trying to make me feel bad?”
    — pixeltarian

  9. Criticize people on their physical appearance or bully someone.
    — arcticmonkeybird

  10. When someone gets irrationally angry at someone for something that the accused had very little control over. For example, a customer getting really angry at a member of staff because of something the company they work for did. Shouting at them isn't going to change anything. It's not their fault and you look like an ass.
    — iampearce

  11. People who talk shit about their friends. Why would I want to be your friend of you're willing to rip me apart to people you barely know?
    — acorn108

  12. If they demand respect but give little or none. If they mistreat a child or animal. If they show a lack of empathy, a disregard for human life, or demonstrate sociopathic tendencies.
    — thistimeyoueatpaper

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