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An official Chess 2 is being made with a 16x16 board. What piece do you add, and how does it work?

  1. The Bureaucrat. It can move to any unoccupied position on the board, but cannot capture pieces. It's just there to get in the way and slow things down.
    — Notmiefault

  2. Jester. Moves in the same way as the last piece your opponent moved.
    — nekrasz

  3. A reflector piece. Basically, other pieces can bounce of it. So your bishops can now move in Vs and your rooks can move in Ls, with the reflector piece as the point. This would work well on the larger board.
    — Max_Fenig

  4. Mercenary. Can move 2 spaces in any direction. Upon capturing this piece, it becomes your piece and placed anywhere on your home 2 rows.
    — atticuslodius

  5. Underground missile silos. The only winning move is not to play.
    — Munninnu

  6. Ghetto option: each side gets a row of checkers in front of their pawns
    — Garconanokin

  7. Princess - moves in all directions like a queen, but is limited to a maximum distance of 4 squares per move.
    — starlight85

  8. A prawn. It moves like a normal pawn, but looks like a shrimp.
    — PanicAtTheMetro

  9. The Archer : he can move by one case like a king, and take out a piece in a 2 cases radius.
    — Babao13

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