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What detail about yourselves are you sick and tired of having to explain to new people you meet over and over again?

  1. I have alopecia. I have been bald my whole life. when I was a kid, people thought I had cancer when I was a teen they thought I was a punk/nazi when I was an adult they thought I was a skinhead Now as a middle aged man, they just think I'm old. LOL
    — politicalatheist1

  2. My hair. Ever since I stopped putting my hair in braids I've gotten questions like, "Wow how did you get your hair like that?" Like, Idk I was born?
    — mij3i

  3. I’m allergic to milk. No, it’s not lactose intolerance. If I drink milk I’ll die. No, I can’t eat ice cream. I don’t miss it because I’ve never tasted it.
    — nyet-marionetka

  4. I'm not Mexican I'm Filipino. It's really not that complicated, guys.
    — phantomatlarge

  5. That not everybody with tourettes screams and swears
    — HughJardon343

  6. Yes it's an unusual surname. No, you probably never met anybody with that name before. No, I don't actually know where it originated. I agree, it certainly doesn't sound like an Irish name. Yes, maybe Norse/German/Whatever.
    — MeOulSegosha

  7. That it is possible for a white person to originally be from Africa.
    — Only_One_Kenobi

  8. It's somewhat unusual these days, but asking me about my glasses and wanting to try them on is tiresome in the long run.

  9. That my nickname comes from my middle name, not my first name, which I don't use because it sounds too professional/old-fashioned and there aren't any good abbreviations for it other than Ace, and I'm no Ace to be sure.
    — PalmBeacham

  10. Why my teeth are fucked up. When I was 9 I fainted in class and it knocked out part of my two front teeth and greatly shifted their position. My family couldn't afford a more permanent solution so I would get fillings which would cone out every few years due to how often they were used. It lead to uneven wear on my bottom teeth, and after I got one of my front teeth removed (broken root) my teeth are just really fucked up looking. It has made me really self conscious and I almost never smile anymore. I was planning on saving up when I had a decent job but I had to leave for medical reasons and now I've been unemployed for almost a year.
    — rsgamg

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