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People that have friends: How?

  1. An extrovert finds you and adopts you.
    — Titanosaurus

  2. People with board games are desparate for friends to play with :D Gives you good motivation to be friendly, like being a missionary to hook people to your hobby, except they dont pay anything or do much to be your friend
    — kerred

  3. A lot of people so far have said to open up and don't be afraid, do that but also just be a genuine nice person! Show people that you care about them! Do what you can to help the people around you. Source: I play a lot of RPGs. Edit: corrected 'alot' to 'a lot' Btw being a grammar Nazi won't make you any friends either. ^^Just ^^sayin...... ^^^^bitch
    — chillspicey

  4. I’m going to assume you get anxious talking to others, because for years that was why I had no friends. I learned something that really helped. Most people don’t give a shit about you. Not in a bad way, but in a “who cares what they do?” Fuck up asking someone to hang out? They won’t care. Trip walking over to a cute guy/girl? Good. You made them laugh and have a conversation starter. People *don’t care*. Put yourself out there against every brain instinct telling you you’ll mess something up. You can do it!
    — jam198

  5. 1. Find a hobby, any hobby works, but hobbies that have a social aspect are best. 2. Meet people in that hobby, either locally or online. Local clubs are your best bet, but online forums or subreddits can work. 3. Interact with those people, the more frequently the better. Don't overdo it, once or twice a week works best in the beginning. 4. You now have the beginning of a friendship! Keep investing time into it so it can keep growing! I've met most of my friends (and my SO) through hobbies, they're really the best way for socially awkward people to make friends.
    — Your_Local_Stray_Cat

  6. People are going to say be easygoing and funny and they are not wrong so I'll just pitch in and comment that it helps to be generally curious about other people. Ask them questions about who they are and what they think of things. Don't be afraid to open yourself up as well. All friendships are based on the simple activity of conversation.
    — ElGuapoBonito

  7. First step; be willing to be open yourself up. You will be hurt. I can guarantee you that. But if you want friends or romance you have to open yourself up. Because if you don't open up, others won't open up. Step 2: start a conversation. Be charismatic and don't be afraid to show emotions or opinions. Don't be a blank slate. Let people form an opinion around you. Step 3: if it's a group conversation, make yourself visible. Too many times i just didn't say anything in those conversations. I wasn't visible. Step 4: if you're cringy or awkward… embrace it! People relate to that and that can easily be a conversation topic! There are many more steps but these four are incredibly important. Good luck!
    — LemonJoestar

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