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People with food allergy or intolerance, have you ever been 'tricked' by a friend or family member to see if you were lying about your condition? What happened?

  1. My brother is allergic to tree nuts. My aunt thought he was lying because he'd eat things with peanuts in it. Several times she brought foods with nuts in them to Christmas get togethers. Never bothered my brother much he just didn't eat them. This pissed her off, so once she make this big plate of chocolate chip cookies. My brother eats about 6 of them. About 20 minutes later he's hacking and coughing. Epipen benedryl and a trip to the hospital later my aunt finally tells us that she used almond flour because she knew he was making it up.
    — littleredhoodlum

  2. We emailed my sister's caterers at her wedding several times letting them know my partner had a nut allergy and highlighting the seriousness of it. They stuck nuts in anyway. She nearly died. One ruined wedding.
    — ChDev

  3. Aunt and Mom. Both are not the brightest people in the context of medical experience. Im Allergic to Walnuts, so what do they say "Hes probably faking and being a picky 10 year old". Nope, ate a walnut and what do you know, rashes everywhere within a few minutes. Fucking told you.
    — ccbcc814

  4. I have a couple of different major allergies. Two of them are...odd. As a result most people think I'm just pulling their leg. I have an allergy to Cocoa \(aka chocolate\) and the tobacco plant. My mom's side of the family was brutal people. They fed me chocolate laced breakfast foods and candies without my knowledge, but since I was so small when they discovered by allergy...I hadn't had enough chocolate to know what it tasted like besides pain. I just knew my mouth would tingle, my throat would feel tight, and that I would throw up not soon afterwards. My mom figured out these 'throwing up fits' would happen ONLY around her family, she asked them to stop. ...they didn't. So one day my Aunt gives me a full\-sized hunk of pure dark chocolate. I go into a full reaction and I still remember her freaking out when I dropped/started changing colors and calling an ambulance. No I don't remember the ride and apparently my oxygen went down so much by the time the ambulance got there that any longer and I would have suffocated. I was stomach pumped and traced and left in ICU for a couple of days because my lungs couldn't handle it and breathing was a nightmare.
    — buggirl101

  5. My mother in law, and not a food. Fabuloso cleaner is the only thing IN MY LIFE i have been allergic to. My husband's bitch mother finds out. I'm very pregnant and she brings me a TON of my husband's baby blankets, books, etc. All very well kept. All cleaned in Fabuloso. Now, the issue is it's not cartoon-level insta-hives. It takes a while. Enough time that i have possibly eaten or touched my face. To this day she isn't allowed to bring items into my house.
    — TerraCottaGotta

  6. Not exactly tricked, but... I had a coworker with a severe dairy allergy (had to carry an epipen and everything). She was leaving the company, so on her last day I brought in a huge batch of vegan brownies. Typically when I make that recipe I use soy milk, but I had another coworker (B) who had a soy allergy, so I used almond milk instead. Coworker B took one of the brownies after confirming with me they were totally soy free, but came back about ten minutes later, asking if I was sure there was no soy in the brownies. She was clearly having a reaction, so I panicked and started listing off all the ingredients I used in the recipe. When I mentioned the almond milk she said, “Oh, okay. Yeah, I’m allergic to almonds, too.” She ended up going home for the rest of the day, and I am still baffled that someone with allergies that severe wouldn’t verify the food she was eating was free of all her allergens.
    — ahsoka_lives

  7. There's a story over on r/justnomil from a woman with an obnoxiously stupid, know-it-all mother-in-law. Good ol' grandma didn't believe her grandchild was severely, EpiPen-worthy allergic to a few foods. so she decided to put her theory to the test. The testing did NOT go well. She also posted a few updates. MIL still just doesn't get how dangerous her behavior was.
    — La_Vikinga

  8. My grandmother, who is a bit sick in the head, gave me a 7 layer bar, even though she knew I’m allergic to nuts. My entire face was swollen, and I could barely breathe, but she said I was fine and didn’t do anything.
    — Krebsalicious

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